Statistics Guidelines and Definitions

Notes on Web Form

Web-based statistics form.

  • Note that movement of mouse scroll-wheel may cause numbers to be added or subtracted inadvertently from web form.

  • Requests for future enhancement (dates represent point at which discussion took place; does not necessarily mean a request to ILTS has been made formally)

    • CAS login/logout button (2/1/07)
    • Category for Mixed Material (e.g., mss. and archives). In the meantime, treat these as traditional format "Other". (12/12/07)

Each member of Department is expected to keep daily statistics of cataloging activity.  Monthly reports will be generated and distributed to team leaders and department head.

Expanded Definitions

ORIGINAL CAT: All original cataloging, var. ed. cataloging, & upgraded non-standard copy. The latter includes those with non-standard encoding, e.g. 2, 3, 5, and 7; and records created by non-AACR libraries, e.g., Deutsche Bibliotek, for which re-worked description and/or subject analysis is necessary. Derived cataloging where modification involves only addition of call number (typically involving belletristic works) is considered copy cataloging. However, if call number and subject headings are being assigned, count as original.

LC COPY CAT: Any record based on an LC record at E/L _ [blank], 4 [core level] or 8.

OTHER COPY CAT: Any record based on a non-LC record at EL _ , 1, 4, I, or M; and EL L if upgrading is minor.

ADDED COPIES: Count each MFHD of a title added to the same bibliographic record. Added volumes to previously-established MFHD are not considered or counted as added copies. They are tracked simply as added pieces

PIECES, ETC.: Count each piece (volume, reel, sheet, issue, etc.) to be cataloged, recataloged, reclassed, transferred, withdrawn or added to a set. Count accompanying material in separate containers; do not count accompanying material in pockets. In case of accompanying CD in pocket, since practice is to remove and house in separate container, count this as additional piece. [THE FOLLOWING IS DISPUTED, NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED: When cataloging fascicles of a serial, count the collective grouping that receives the barcode (i.e., irrespective of how it will be bound). This may cause the amount of work involved in cataloging serials to be underrepresented. However, the primary object of our statistics is to estimate the number of physical volume-equivalents processed by our department (for purposes of ARL rankings, Collection Space Management, etc.), not measuring the productivity of cataloging staff.]

RECAT*: Any significant change to a bibliographic record affecting access or identification; any significant intellectual revision affecting the reevaluation of the entire record.

RECLASS*: Any change in a classification numbering requiring relabeling

RECON*: Title previously cataloged in YUL.

SCO/REC: Musical scores and sound recordings. Audio CDs (or CD-ROMs) are recorded here.

MAPS: atlases cataloged in the Map format (original cat. and copy) are recorded as MAPS; those cataloged from copy and still in the Books format should be recorded as MONOGRAPHS.

VIDEOS: Record both videocassettes and DVDs under "Videos"

*These categories are not mutually exclusive. Select all that apply.

See Also:

issue date: 07/12/11 

Last modified: 
Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - 10:50am