Library Committees

Promotion Review Committee

Sponsor: Mike Bell

Committee Charge: The Promotion Review Committee evaluates the promotion review files of candidates for promotion, carefully considers each case for promotion, and makes a recommendation for action on each case to the University Librarian, Law Librarian, or Director of the Yale Center for British Art.

Fequency of Meetings: Beginning in the spring, twice weekly meetings as needed to handle the number of cases put forward.

Member Selection Method: 2 members from each level of ranks of libarians are appointed by the University Librarian.

Term of Service: 2 years, unless filling out the term of someone. Terms should be rolling so that at least half of the committee has experience from the previous year.

Additional Information: The work of this committee is highly confidential. 


Janene Batten, Librarian V, 2023 Chair 
Ellen Doon, Librarian V, 2024 
Erin Wachowicz, Librarian IV, 2024 
Mike Lotstein, Librarian IV, 2023 
Tess Colwell, Librarian III, 2024 
James Kessenides, Librarian III, 2023 
Elisa Nascimento, Librarian II, 2023 
Jeanne Lowrey, Librarian II, 2024 
Last modified on June 6, 2023 . Contact Andrew Gray to update.