March 2017 Archives

March 2, 2017

As some of you have been informed via the Facebook announcements a while ago, we have completed processing of a collection of ephemera (brochures, flyers, advertisements, pamphlets) material related to LGBTQ communities in Japan. Below please find a link to the finding aid and a description of the materials.

This collection was prepared in collaboration with Yoshie Yanagihara of Tokyo Denki University and Tetsuyuki Shida of Waseda University, with assistance from Mary Caldera of Yale Manuscripts and Archives, and Caitlin Casiello. We would like to thank each of them for their invaluable help and insight. 

We are also looking to expand and improve the collection in the future so any feedback or directions for further exploration from researchers would be appreciated. 


Japanese lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer collection

Finding Aid:

The collection consists of fliers, newsletters, brochures, and other educational material published and distributed by Japanese lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) organizations, primarily from the Tokyo area. Materials focus on gay and bisexual men's health, sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention and testing, and community activities for HIV positive individuals. The collection includes publications documenting bars and clubs, community spaces and support services, art and cultural events, and political activism, as well as newsletters from over thirty LGBTQ organizations located in Tokyo and other regions of Japan. Materials date from 1993 to 2016.

このコレクションは日本、主に東京首都圏の性的少数派 (LGBTQ: レズビアン、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダー、そしてクィア)団体などによって2000年代から現在までに配布されたチラシ、ニュースレター、パンフレットなどで構成される。最初のシリーズにはゲイやバイセクシャル男性の健康、HIVなどの性感染症(STI)の予防とテスト、および生活とコミュニティを取り巻く資料が含まれ、広範な内容となっている。それに加え、彼らに焦点を当てたバーやクラブ、コミュニティスペースと支援、芸術や文化イベント、および政治的活動のための出版物で構成されている。第二シリーズは30以上の東京及び他の地域で活動しているLGBTQ団体のニュースレターが収められる。

Post on March 2, 2017 - 5:39pm |

March 21, 2017

Know before You Go: Researching East Asia in US

Part III. East Asian Collection, University of Chicago

Speakers: Dr. Yuan Zhou, Curator

Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Friday March 31

Place: Room 218, Sterling Memorial Library

Sponsored by the East Asia Library and Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University. Light lunch will be provided.

Post on March 21, 2017 - 11:48am |

March 24, 2017

Know before You Go: Researching East Asia in US

Part IV. Asian Division, Library of Congress

Speakers: Dr. Yuwu Song, Reference Specialist

               Mr. Eiichi Ito, Reference Specialist

Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, Friday April 7

Place: Room 218, Sterling Memorial Library

Sponsored by the East Asia Library and Council on East Asian Studies at Yale University. Light lunch will be provided.

Post on March 24, 2017 - 10:00am |