Treasures from the Yale Film Archive welcomes director Asishish Avikunthak and cinematographer Basab Mullik for a screening of Katho Upanishad. Adapted from the ancient Sanskrit treatise of the same name, this experimental feature from 2011 centers on a metaphysical dialogue in which Yama (Ram Gopal Bajaj) instructs Nachiketa (Suvrat Joshi) about the path to enlightenment. "There's a languorous quality to his films," Deepanjana Pal wrote of Avikuntahk's work in the Sunday Guardian. "Themes, ideas, and inages wind around creating patterns that are as delicate as smoke signals." 35mm print from the Yale Film Archive.
Visit the event page.
2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 4
Whitney Humanities Center Auditorium
53 Wall Street
New Haven, CT
What is Treasures from the Yale Film Archive?
Treasures from the Yale Film Archive is an ongoing series of classic and contemporary films in 35mm curated by the Yale Film Study Center and screened at the Whitney Humanities Center.
Treasures screenings are always free and open to the public.
Presented by the Yale Film Study Center and Films at the Whitney with support from Paul L. Joskow '70 M.Phil., '72 Ph.D.
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