Yale Public Screening Partnerships

Do you have an idea for a public film screening or series? Are you interested in presenting films from the Yale Film Archive's collection?

Public screenings have long been a vital part of Yale's robust film culture. The archive partners with numerous Yale organizations each year to co-present public film screenings on campus using prints from Yale's film collection. We welcome proposals for public screenings from academic units, student groups, museums, and other Yale organizations, with the goal of expanding campus film programming through diverse and inclusive partnerships.

If your group is interested in screening one or more films from the Film Archive collection, submit your proposal by July 1 for fall semester screenings, November 15 for spring semester screenings, or March 15 for summer screenings. This lets the Film Archive evaluate and respond to all proposals in a timely manner, ensuring the best use of the prints and allowing our partners adequate time to complete their requirements.

Due to high demand and limited staff resources, Film Archive print use is limited to three titles per partner organization per semester.

If you have questions about Yale screening partnerships—or if you're interested in using prints for courses or for non-Yale screenings—contact Brian Meacham.


What Yale Film Archive provides:

  • Use of film print
  • Print inspection
  • Delivery of print to/from the Yale screening venue
  • Inclusion in Yale Film Archive mailing list message(s)
  • Promotion on Yale Film Archive social media platforms (we can create a Facebook event page, or you can create one and add us as a co-host)

What you as a programming partner agree to:

  • Secure Public Performance Rights with the film’s distributor, including fees (typically $250 to $500 per film)
  • Provide funds to cover Projectionist fees (typically $240 or more per event)
  • Provide funds to cover any additional event costs (catering, microphones, room use fees, guest travel, etc.)
  • Book a screening room (HQ L01, HQ L02, or WALL53 AUD)
  • Submit a Projectionist Request Form at least three weeks before the event
  • Provide any necessary event staff (including ushers)
  • Acknowledge the Yale Film Archive as a co-presenter at the event and in all material in which presenters are named
  • Commit to the screening being as open as possible (Yale Film Archive prints cannot be used for private events)
  • Commit to the screening being free for attendees (Yale Film Archive prints cannot be used for fundraisers or events with an admission fee)
  • Introduce each screening
  • Promote screenings with the goal of bringing in a large and diverse audience. Promotional materials/activities include:
    • Submitting the event to the Yale Calendar

    • Promoting the screening your organization’s social media platforms, if applicable.

    • Promoting the screening using your organization’s mailing list, if applicable.

    • Providing images with one-line captions (for Film Archive mailing list & social media)

    • Providing 75- to 85-word description (for Film Archive mailing list & social media)


  • Submit your proposal by July 1 for fall semester screenings, November 15 for spring semester screenings, or March 15 for summer screenings.
  • Upon selection for partnership: finalize funding and approach distributor about securing rights.
  • At least 6 weeks before the screening: submit the following to the Film Archive:
    • Proof of rights clearance

    • Proof venue has been approved (confirmation email from Austin Hanlin)

    • Promotional materials.

  • At least 4 weeks before the screening: submit event to Yale Calendar.
  • At least 3 weeks before the screening: submit a Projectionist Request Form.

If the above requirements and deadlines are not met, the Yale Film Archive may rescind the offer of partnership and disallow the use of the film print.



Last modified: 
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - 1:56pm