Developing a Research Agenda for Librarians

Wednesday, October 30, 2013 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Sterling Memorial Library International Room

Library and information science (LIS) professionals working in academic libraries are encouraged to publish in the professional literature, whether for promotion through the ranks, to enhance their professional reputation, for the sense of satisfaction that comes from contributing to conversations of wide professional interest, or for a combination of these reasons. Yet seldom do they receive any formal advice or coaching on how to go about doing this. Todd Gilman, Librarian for Literature in English at Yale University Library and author of the recently published book The Theatre Career of Thomas Arne, will speak about developing a research agenda: how to come up with a valid topic to investigate, how to design and distribute surveys, the elements of a professional article, available Yale campus resources for those who wish to undertake a research project leading to publication, and navigating the peer review process. This talk is sponsored by the Standing Committee on Professional Awareness (SCOPA) and is free and open to the public.

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