Yale University now has a subscription to the Financial Times online (FT.com), a British, English-language daily newspaper featuring international business & economic news. Current faculty, students and staff can sign up for unlimited access to FT.com articles and tools. To sign up on-campus: go to FT.com and follow the instructions to sign up. To sign up off-campus: go to the Yale University registration page:
https://registration.ft.com/corporate/signup/ndCCCETpGHj3J. You must use your yale.edu email address as your login.
Tools and Mobile Apps: Newslines is a tool that allows students and professors to interact regarding important topics and news of the day on FT.com. FT apps are available for iPads, iPhones, Androids, at no additional cost at: apps.ft.com.
Please contact Gwyneth.Crowley@Yale.edu for further details.
For technical assistance, email education.support@ft.com or call (877) 886-5745. If you have a paid FT.com subscription, and would like to switch to the university’s subscription, contact help@ft.com to be reimbursed for the remainder of your subscription. For questions about FT.com content or tools, including Newslines, please email b2bproductconsultants@ft.com.
Note: In adherence to Yale's contract, each account is to be used by a single individual. Do not share logins. Emailing of articles or otherwise sharing of content from FT.com is limited.