The staff of Oral History of American Music (OHAM) have recently conducted interviews with Bright Sheng, John Luther Adams, Jabala Billy Hart, and Toshiko Akiyoshi. In the next few months, interviews are planned with Guy Klucevsek, David Lang, and first year composition students at the Yale School of Music. Additionally, OHAM staff released two new videos on their YouTube channel: "OHAM Remembers Pauline Oliveros" including historical footage from a 1983 interview; and “Reaction to Breaking the Waves, an opera by Missy Mazzoli.” This video included excerpts from a recent OHAM interview and videos from the opera, all complemented by reflections from Fjola Evans, a student composer who attended the premiere. Finally, the German radio station Deutschlandfunk, produces a series called “Voices of America.” On January 13, 2017, they aired the premiere of their hour-long program devoted to Oral History of American Music and its founder, Vivian Perlis.