Digital Humanities Lab

Open Job Call for Students

Job Opportunities in the DHLab

If you have programming skills and an interest in humanistic data, apply to work in the Digital Humanities Lab! We are looking to hire Yale undergraduate and graduate students to work on a variety of exciting projects that are underway in the lab.

OpenStreetMap Mapathon


April 6 from 4:00-6:00pm at 17 Hillhouse Ave, room 101
Many of the places where natural disasters and health crises occur are literally "missing" from the map, and responders lack the information to properly provide relief. Learn how to contribute to responders' efforts with OpenStreetMap. We will introduce the platform, teach web mapping skills, and then work with participants to map infrastructure in high-priority areas for local humanitarian efforts.

Intro to Story Maps Workshop

Introduction to Story Maps: Combine Narrative and GIS

March 7 from 2:00-3:30pm in Bass Library, L06

Learn how to combine texts, images, and videos with maps using Esri's free Story Maps platform. In this workshop, participants will learn how to design a web-map with sample data, explore different Story Maps templates for showcasing research, and develop basic strategies to avoid copyright infringement. 

Teaching with DH Office Hours

Office Hours Coffee Chat: Teaching with DH

February 14 at 2:30pm in the DHLab (SML 316)

How might a network graph provide context for course syllabi? What could a digital humanities workshop in a class look like and offer? During Office Hours, three Digital Humanities Fellows from fall semester will present on digital activities—from Omeka exhibitions on Latin American history to topic models of the Slavic Review journal—that they integrated into their English, History, and Slavic Studies undergraduate courses.


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