CJK Catalog Skip List

Skip List


Skip the following types of cards:

  • Added entry cards
  • Reference cards
  • Authority cards
  • Acquisitions temp slips
  • Cards marked with the star "*" sign
  • Photocopies of RLIN records in small font
  • LC N call number cards for Chinese and Japanese cards
  • LC T call number cards for Chinese cards 
  • Cards for Japanese reference collection
  • Cards with no date and publisher (See also the Special Instructions below)
  • Cards in Roman languages for either East Asian or other collections
  • Series cards marked "Classed individually," or "Classed together - Analyzed."
  • Cards representing material in the following collections or locations:

Art & Architecture 
stamped Art, Art Library, School of Art

stamped Beinecke, Rare Book Room

Cross Campus 
stamped Cross Campus Library, German Reading Room, Mountaineering, Reserve Book Room

stamped Day Missions Library, Divinity Library, Divinity School Library, Trowbridge Reference Library

stamped Law Library, School of Law, Treatises Stack Room, Wheeler Treatises

stamped Medical Library, Medical Library (Historical), Psychological Laboratory, School of Medicine Library, School of Nursing, Sterling Hall of Medicine


Special Instructions


Use these additional instructions for selecting 1) Chinese reference cards, 2) Japanese and Korean cards, and 3) cards with no date and publisher information. 

1. Chinese Reference Cards:

All Chinese reference cards should be searched in ORBIS since part of them was already converted in an earlier project. Search a Chinese card to determine whether it is already converted at the point of selection and take the following steps as appropriate:

  • Skip the card if there is a matching full-level bibliographic record in ORBIS.
  • Select the card if there is no matching full level record or there is only a provisional record for it.

2. Japanese Reference Cards:

To maximize the efficiency of the selection process, all Japanese and Korean cards should be reviewed and processed in conjunction with the Chinese cards. Apply the same selection criteria to the Japanese and the Korean cards, but pack the Japanese cards in separate boxes and the Korean cards in the drawers temporarily provided for Korean cards.

3. Cards with No Date and Publisher

In order to be processed through future project, all cards that bear no date and publisher information should be marked with a red flag and left in drawers.