CMS Divinity Library Cataloging and Processing Guidelines

July 2014, updated January 25, 2021


GOAL: To search and catalog all the Divinity “Backlog” as expeditiously as possible, and scan Zero Copy to Technical Services Frontlog.

1. Students will have searched the books and distributed the Zero Calls, Belles Lettres and Zero Copy as usual to the trucks and shelves.  As part of their workflow they add a security tag, a general Divinity Library bookplate and a blue Divinity Flag which will travel with the book at all times. Double check to make sure every book is tagged, plated and flagged. They will also be adding a Yellow “World Christianity Flag” in some cases.

2. Catalogers will finish cataloging books With Copy and keep statistics in CATSTAT. No separate cataloging statistics will be kept for Divinity books. We will count the student search statistics for Divinity as our “Received” count.

3.  Books will be charged to the PREP truck like SML books. Try to keep Divinity books batched on the trucks to make it easier for Preparations to pull and handle.

4. If needed, books will be charged and sent to COLLCARE like SML books.   Collection Care will process them and send them back to the Divinity Library.


1. Use the Divinity Library Oversize and Folio Specifications Chart.

2. Locations—all books will come with a Divinity location in the 852 $a The Size Specification Chart includes locations for each size.

Location Spine label text
divrr TROW REF
divrrus TROW REF, U.S.

Z call numbers are assigned to the Trowbridge reading room. Loc. DIVRR, Item Type. REF.

3. (LC) after call number in MFHD for Divinity books: Divinity uses (LC) only after M, N, and Z. All other class numbers do not get (LC) after them.

4. Which books go to LSF?

The books may have LSF flags or not.  If not, for the project, Catalogers will have to look at date of publication and insert an LSF flag, following these guidelines:

  • Send all books published 2000 or earlier to LSF.
  • Pamphlets of 75 pages or less are also automatically sent to LSF.
  • Follow SML Binding Guidelines.

5. Books on “World Christianity”.  Procedures for Selecting Books for “World Christianity” follow:

A. Selection.

Part of the processing of Divinity books is a selection process to select books that fall under the topic of “World Christianity” as defined as such by Divinity:  Materials from the non-Western world and about non-Western Christianity.

The following items should be considered World Christianity:

  • All materials relating to missions.
  • Anything published in a third world/developing country.
  • Anything written about a third world/developing country.
  • Anything written on the subject of evangelization.


  • Christianity and other religions (comparative religion) is World Christianity, for example, a book on Islam, Christianity and Buddhism.
  • Non-Western—anything other than Europe, North America, Australia/New Zealand—Exceptions within these areas:
  • Books on indigenous peoples of these countries, if the book deals with missionary work: for example, American, Canadian Indian tribes, Eskimos, Maori (New Zealand), etc.

A special local subject heading tracing is added to these.

Currently, the students working on the project are both graduate students at Divinity and will make a pre-selection and insert a Yellow Flag “World Christianity” to alert Catalogers (just for this project).  Catalogers should also use their judgment if they are really familiar with the language, or consult another cataloger, if they think something falls into these categories but was missed by the students. Consult with Tatiana.

Subject headings are of course a good guide.

B. Special Local Subject Heading Tracing for World Christianity (WC) books

If the book comes with a yellow WC flag or you decide it falls into one of the categories, add this local 695 tracing:

Special Local Subject Heading field: 695 04 World Christianity ǂy [year of publication], e.g.

  • 695 04 World Christianity ǂy 2013.

NOTE: New materials that will be coming from Acquisitions will already be reviewed for “World Christianity” and will have a 695 04 tracing in it if it is for World Christianity—we won’t have to do this anymore or insert a yellow “World Christianity” flag. If by chance you run across a candidate, please follow the guideline.  Keep the World Christianity flag in the book when you send it to Preparations.

6.  Books that go to the Day Missions Library.

The Day Missions Library is a separate physical space that houses a collection on the history of foreign missions, missionary work, missionary biography, materials prepared for missionaries to use in their work, as well as related materials in such areas such as ethnology, geography, comparative religions, and linguistics, supporting missionary studies.

Call Number Guideline for Day Mission Library— Check 050 4 or 090: books with call numbers BV2000-3705 go into the Day Mission Library.  its location is “divdmr.” Item type is circ. Also place a “Day Missions” sticker on the front of the book (leave some space for the call number label).

EXCEPTION: Books that may have call numbers on the list, but are not about mission work or support mission work, should be sent to Divinity Stacks (LOC: div) or LSF. If in doubt, consult with Jeanette Norris.