Editing of Vendor Fields in In-Process & Vendor Supplied Bibliographic Records

 Vendor 035 and 9xx Fields

The SML Acquisitions practice of editing out vendor 035 fields and 9xx fields from records loaded into Orbis has ceased.

Both in-process and vendor supplied fully cataloged records will retain vendor supplied 035 and 9xx fields. Acquisitions staff should not spend time editing out these fields. (However, for records manually exported from WorldCat, acquisitions staff should be sure to enter the default list of fields to be stripped in the Connexion Field Export options. The default list includes 035 and 9xx fields. Any field listed will be stripped from the record automatically upon export. See: Connexion: Setting Export Options.)

The fields will continue as part of the permanent bibliographic record for vendor supplied fully cataloged records. Cataloging staff should not spend time editing out these fields if the records need to be recataloged for other reasons.

For in-process records, it is expected that the vendor fields will be removed automatically when cataloging staff overlay the record with full cataloging from LCDB or WorldCat, or if an automated batchmatching program is run to upgrade the in-process records.

For those records that lack cataloging copy from WorldCat or LCDB, original catalogers should delete the vendor 035 and 9xx fields if the record is being updated manually to full or core level on Orbis.

Sample vendor in-process record:


a. For in-process records, the fields are used for batchmatching. In some cases the vendor will be providing the full record; in other cases, the records may be matched against LCDB or WorldCat.

b. Vendor fields may appear in vendor cataloged shelf-ready books and it defeats the purpose of shelf-ready processing to do further edits to the records.

c. Most in-process records sent to the backlogs will be overlaid with cataloging copy that will automatically delete the vendor fields; acquisitions staff should not have to spend time editing out fields that for the most part will eventually be deleted automatically.

Shelf Ready Oversize + Sign

Although current SML policy is to drop the oversize + sign used in oversize books cataloged for SML, some shelf-ready books will continue to include the + sign in the call number.  There will already be a mix of labels in SML stacks with and without the +. Any oversize book without the + will continue to have "Oversize" at the end of the call number.

Cataloging & serial binding instructions done at SML will continue to formulate the call number for oversize books without the + sign but with the "Oversize" text at the end of the call number.

Last modified: 
Friday, September 18, 2015 - 2:04pm