Fixed Fields

CAUTION: USE THIS CHECKLIST FOR BOOKS ONLY when updating in-process records to cataloged status for:

  • CIP records
  • Member copy
  • Variant edition original cataloging
  • Belletristic original cataloging
  • Recon
  • Minimal level (e.g., dissertations)

DO NOT USE |:No attempt to code

Use of the pipe or broken bar (|:No attempt to code) in fixed fields will cause the record to be rejected by OCLC.

In other 008 formats, and in 007 and 006, the pipe should be left as is if the fixed field label is qualified by (OBSOLETE).


Record Status

Leave as is.

Type of Record is: a:Language material)

EXCEPTION: Dissertations t:Manuscript language material

Bibliographic Level is always m: Monograph/item

Type of Control.

Leave as is. Default on new records is _:No specific type of control

Character Coding

Leave as is. Default on new records is: _:MARC 8

Encoding Level is _: Full level.
CIP records will have Encoding Level 8:Prepublication level; they should be updated to _:Full level when the title is upgraded to cataloged status.


  1. CORE: If the in-process record has Encoding Level 4: Core level, leave it as is.
  2. RECON:

    If a previously cataloged title in card format is converted for recon purposes to MARC format and the record is not upgraded to AACR2 description, use Encoding level 1: Full level; material not examined.

    For recon titles imported from the utilities, use the Encoding Level found on the record.

  3. MINIMAL LEVEL: Use Encoding Level 7:Minimal level for serial analytics, Yale dissertations and other categories authorized by YUL policies and procedures under Minimal Level Cataloging.
  4. PRELIMINARY RECORDS. If these records are created by cataloging (and acquisitions) staff, use Encoding Level 5: Partial (preliminary) level

CATALOGING FORM is coded as follows:

  1. CIP: Cataloging Form: a:AACR2 (AACR2 rules used for description headings, & choice of entry)
  2. Member copy: accept the code used on the member record
  3. Variant edition original cataloging: Cataloging form: a:AACR2
  4. Belletristic original cataloging: Cataloging form: a:AACR2
  5. Recon:

    If a previously cataloged title in card format is converted for recon purposes to MARC format and the record is not upgraded to AACR2 description, use Cataloging form:_non-ISBD or Cataloging form: i:ISBD depending on the punctuation used. If punctuation is ISBD, but not all headings are AACR2, i:ISBD is used.

    For recon titles imported from the utilities, accept the Cataloging Form as found on the record.

  6. Minimal level: Cataloging Form: a:AACR2

008 - General Description (Book)


  • CIP. When the record is upgraded to full, be sure to change the code from 8 to blank
  • Member copy: use the code found on the cataloging copy
  • Variant edition: If the book is a reprint, use r. If the book is same year, different publisher, use the code on the source copy.
  • Belletristic original, recon, minimal: If you have a multipart set that is incomplete or if the multipart set is complete but the initial date of publication differs from the publication date of the final volume, use m. Otherwise, use s or r (for reprints).
  • If a book is both a reprint and a multipart, use r and use the earliest date of publication in Date 2.
  • If the publication date on the book includes a month, or a month and a day, use e.
    • Publication date on item: March 23, 2012 -- Date 1: 2012  Date 2: 0323
    • Publication date on item: March 2012 -- Date 1: 2012  Date 2: 03__
  • If there is a copyright date on the book use t: Date 1: <publication date>  Date 2: <copyright date>
    • If the book has a publication date with a month or a month and a day, and a copyright date, use e.
    • If the book has a copyright date that includes a month, use e. 


  • Should always be the same as the date of publication
  • If a multipart, Date 1 is the initial date of publication.
  • For multiparts, if the dates in 260 and 362 differ, choose the earliest date.
  • If digits are missing, use u, e.g. 260 ... 194-?, then Date 1 194u
  • For reprints, the reprint date is entered in Date 1. The original publication date is entered in Date 2.


  • Use BLANK if Publication Status is s
  • If Publication Status is m, enter the later date.
  • Use 9999 if Publication Status is m and the set is ongoing (i.e., NOT uuuu)
  • Enter the original publication date of a reprint in Date 2. The reprint date should be in Date 1.

For examples of Publication Status codes and dates, see OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards

PLACE OF PUBLICATION. Voyager upgrade allows the user to enter the second character of the code to facilitate retrieval of the correct menu item. (So, not necessary to type f and then scroll to fr: France. Instead, type "fr" and go directly to fr:France)


  1. Order of codes should be alphabetical
  2. Use: _: No illustrations when there are no illustrations (i.e., do not use | : No attempt to code)
  3. If Illustrations are all represented by one code, then select the appropriate code for Illustration 1 (usually a) and use _:No illustrations for Illustration 2-4
  4. Selection is based on terms found in field 300, including $a and $e, but not from the 500 field.

    If 300 $a 30 p., [3] p. of plates : $b ill. ..., then:

    Illustration 1 a: Illustrations
    Illustration 2 f: Plates

  5. Conversely, if a term is not named in 300, it is not coded in Illustrations. So, if 300 ... ill. but some of the illustrations in the book are portraits,

    Illustration 1 a: Illustrations
    Illustration 1 a: Illustrations AND Illustration 2 c: Portraits

More examples in OCLC BIbliographic Formats and Standards:

AUDIENCE. Default should be _:Unknown or unspecified. Although more specific codes are available, use either the default code or j: Juvenile (for children's books).

FORM OF ITEM. Default should be: _:None of the following. If you are cataloging a book, no other code should be used. Do not use this code for accompanying material.


  1. Order of codes should be alphabetical
  2. Use _:No specified nature of contents when none of the codes apply (i.e., do not use |:No attempt to code)
  3. If contents are all represented by one code, then select the appropriate code for Contents 1 and use _:No specified nature of contents for Contents 2-4.
  4. "Generally, a specific code is used only if a significant part of the item is the type of material represented by the code."--MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data. But code b is an exception and is used even if the bibliography or bibliographical references are only a small part of the book. If "bibliographical references" or "Bibliography" is in a note, then there should be a b in Contents. (PCC Encoding Level 4 records, exceptionally, will have the code but no note) Also, note that unlike INDEX, a book that is entirely a bibliography should be coded b as bibliography.
  5. Note that exhibition catalogs (--Exhibitions) are coded c.

More detailed scope notes for each of the codes are in OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards

GOVT. PUBLICATION. See detailed guidelines in OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards:

CONF. PUBLICATION. Always use 1 if any of the subjects have subdivision --Congresses. But code 1 can also be used for collections or partial collections of contributions that were based on papers presented at a conference, where the subdivision --Congresses is not always entered. In such cases, there should be a note something like "Based on papers originally presented at such and such conference..." Do not use the code if the entire monograph was based on one paper from the conference.

FESTSCHRIFT. "A festschrift is defined as a complimentary or memorial publication usually in the form of a collection of essays, addresses, or biographical, bibliographic, scientific, or other contributions. It often embodies the results of research, issued in honor of a person, an institution, or a society, as a rule, on the occasion of an anniversary celebration. A true festschrift generally mentions the person, institution, or society it commemorates on the chief source of information (i.e., title page). The title of the work may or may not use the word festschrift. Other indications that an item is a festschrift include phrases such as: papers in honor of, in memory of, commemorating, and their equivalents in foreign languages."--MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

INDEX. A table of contents is not an index. Not used if the book itself is an index. The code is intended for situations when the item includes an index to its own contents. There should be a note in the record such as 500 Includes index unless the Encoding Level is 4.

LITERARY FORM. Although many options are listed, use either 0 (not fiction) or 1 (fiction). LC codes poetry and drama as 0.

BIOGRAPHY. Use BLANK for fictional biographies. OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards has guidelines that are more detailed than MARC21 Format for Bibliographic Data.

LANGUAGE. Voyager upgrade allows the user to enter the second and third characters of the code to facilitate retrieval of the correct menu item. (So, not necessary to type f and then scroll to fre: French. Instead, type "fre" and go directly to fre:French)

MODIFIED RECORD. Default is _:Not modified and is used for all machine readable records created for the first time on Voyager or the utilities, including non-roman cataloging done by the East Asian, Hebraica, and Near East teams. Exceptions to the default:

  • when Slavic cataloging has an item with chief source in Cyrillic, or when Arts & Sciences has an item with chief source in Greek, they use o:Completely romanized: printed cards romanized. This code is used because the cataloging is not a romanization of non-roman source copy from LC (r:Completely romanized: printed cards in script). The practice of romanizing non-roman script source cataloging is not followed by YUL. Units without non-roman expertise and software send items to be cataloged to the appropriate SML units.
  • when Catalog Management transcribes cataloging from cards into machine readable form and has to modify the card cataloging for various reasons indicated on the field labels, e.g. s:Shortened (because it exceeds the maximum 4.096 characters) and d:Dashed-on information removed.

Catalog Management use the default _:Not modified if a catalog card with primarily roman characters has a non-roman note (the note is romanized).

Recon titles for East Asia, Hebraica, and Near East, where the non-roman part of the cataloging copy is primary rather than incidental, are not romanized. These units use the default _:Not modified; the appropriate non-roman unit is responsible for recon in its languages.

For new records created by the roman script teams, also use _:Not modified when notes in new records need to be romanized, e.g. an added title page note where the added t.p. was in Arabic (246 15).


_:National bibliographic agency if the record was cataloged by LC or another national library, e.g. the National Library of Canada. Formerly, blank was used only for LC.

c:Cooperative cataloging programs. Records with this code should have 042 pcc; it is only used for cataloging that follows BIBCO standards

d:Other. Use for everything else. Be sure to change the code to d if you base variant edition cataloging on LC cataloging.

006 Additional material

Do not use for accompanying material

007 Physical description

Do not use for books.

264   1 Alexandria, Virginia : ǂb American Diabetes Association, ǂc 
Last modified: 
Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - 3:20pm