Guidelines updated for RDA, to the extent possible.
On this page: definitions, pre-cataloging decision, when to make a new record, copy cataloging, related documents.
INTEGRATING RESOURCE/IR: "A resource that is added to or changed by means of updates that do not remain discrete and are integrated into the whole (e.g., a loose-leaf manual that is updated by means of replacement pages a website that is updated continuously." RDA Glossary. Under AACR2, serials and integrating resources were categorized as Continuing Resources, a term that is not used in RDA.
ITERATION: "An instance of an integrating resource, either as first released or after it has been updated." RDA Glossary.
LOOSE-LEAF SERVICE. "A loose-leaf service is a publication issued in several component parts, often in a combination of updating loose-leaf and bound volumes containing both primary and secondary source material. Sometimes a loose-leaf service is called a reporter." LC-PCC PS 0.0 Loose-Leaf Services
TRANSFER VOLUME. "A transfer volume is a bibliographic unit containing material of a permanent nature originally issued as a section or binder of a loose-leaf service. The material is transferred from the loose-leaf mode by one of the following methods: the material is reissued by the publisher in bound form and sent to the subscriber as part of a subscription or made available for separate purchase; the material is transferred from the original loose-leaf mode to permanent binders (sometimes supplied by the publisher) or bound separately by the subscriber." LC-PCC PS 0.0 Loose-Leaf Services
UPDATING LOOSELEAF. "An integrating resource that consists of one or more base volumes updated by separate pages that are inserted, removed, and/or substituted."--RDA Glossary. Example: the hardcopy version of RDA.
Pre-Cataloging Decisions:
1. LC-PCC PS 0.0. B. Mode of Issuance: Integrating Resource?
- Serial vs. IR. If the resource has wording referring to "edition" or the equivalent, determine if the wording represents a numeric designation or an edition statement. If a numeric designation, catalog as a serial; if an edition statement, catalog as an IR
- Monograph vs IR. If there is likelihood that the resource will be updated & the updates will not be discrete (i.e. a serial), catalog as an IR. If there is no indication the resource will be updated, catalog as a monograph.
2. LC PCC PS 0.0. Situations Requiring Further Consideration. B. LC PCC practice. Resources issued in loose-leaf format. Base the decision on the primary component; if there is a stated frequency, determine if the frequency applies to the primary component or any updates.
- Catalog as monograph if complete as issued or complete in a finite number of parts
- Catalog as serial if issues remain discrete even if to be housed in a binder, or, binders issued successively even though contents issued in an integrating fashion
- Catalog as an integrating resource (updating looseleaf) if binders in which pages are added, removed, or replaced until the next edition of resource is published or until complete
3. LC PCC PS 0.0. Situations Requiring Further Consideration. E. Republications. Republication of an integrating resource: catalog as monograph or integrating resource depending on type of issuance of the republication.
4. LC-PCC PS 0.0. Loose-leaf services. See definition above. Generally create only one bib record for the service as a whole; consider the service as a whole to be an integrating resource. In a note, list the component parts in enough detail to identify them. Give any volume designation that is found on a part.
Exceptionally, if separate records are created for the component parts, identify each part as an updating loose-leaf, multipart monograph, etc. and catalog accordingly. In a note, indicate the relationship to the parent loose-leaf service and give an AAP for the loose-leaf service.
- For pamphlet or sections with independent numeric/chronological designations (e.g. newsletters) issued as part of the service, refer to the PS for detailed instructions and examples
- For Transfer Volumes (see definition above): Generally, do not create a separate record for the transfer material. Instead, on the bibliographic for the loose-leaf, give a note explaining the inclusion of transfer material of permanent value. See the PS for details and examples.
For more details and many examples, consult LC PCC PS 0.0 Loose-leaf Services.
Instructions for when to make a new record for an integrating resource may be found at RDA 1.6.3. IR changes to a multipart or serial, or vice versa. Change in Media Type (print to CD-ROM [unmediated to computer], but not CD-ROM to online resource [computer to computer]). LC PCC PS adds that if the media type varies within the integrating resource, add information to the record explaining the variation but do not make a new description. Re-basing of an integrating resource. A new description is made if a new set of base volumes is issued for an updating loose-leaf. LC-PCC PS: if the edition statement changes and/or the publisher issues a new base volume or volumes:
- Do not make a new record if the publisher issues a replacement title page with a new edition statement but does not issue a new base volume. Change the edition statement and give a note about the change in edition statement.
- Do not make a new record if the publisher issues a new base volume, but the volume has various dates in the header/footer or other indications that the publisher has reissued the content as of its latest iteration. Make a DBO note if creating a record for the first time.
- Conversely, if the publisher issues a new base volume but the header/footer dates are consistent with the date of the new issue, make a new record. If an edition statement is lacking, supply one in brackets, e.g. 250 [2003 edition]
- Make a new record if the original base volume had revision dates in the header/footer and the new base volume has no revision dates in the header/footer.
- When in doubt, make a new record. Make a new record if there is a change in edition statement indicating a significant change to the scope or coverage of an integrating resource. Note that the LC PCC PS item 1. narrows the scope of this instruction.
Two other situations that would result in a new record: merger of existing bibliographic resources; a split into separate resources. However, in most cases a new base volume would need to be issued, and would probably apply.
If the iteration in hand is later:
- Update the description and add access points to reflect Yale iteration as needed
- Accept the 264 ‡c in copy cataloging record (if the loose-leaf was cataloged as AACR2, leave the 260 tag as is)
- Add notes and access points if different information on other library’s earlier iteration is important
- Add or update the “Description based on” note to reflect Yale iteration; re-tag the DBO note to 588 if it has been tagged as 500
- Update 008 and update/add Serial 006 as needed
If the iteration in hand is earlier:
- Do not change the description to reflect the Yale iteration
- Accept the 264 ‡c in copy cataloging record (if the loose-leaf was cataloged as AACR2, leave the 260 tag as is)
- Add notes and access points if different information on Yale's earlier iteration is important
- Do not change the “Description based on” note to reflect the Yale iteration
- Do not change the 008/006 to reflect Yale’s iteration; add Serial 006 if lacking
Integrating Resources: a Cataloging Manual <not updated for RDA yet; this document may cite as IR:CM >