Basic Macro Express Function Keys

REV:02/12/09  All in Cataloging Module unless otherwise indicated

F1 Activates Override macro CIRC MODULE ONLY: Automatically enters Override Popup windows
Ctrl+F1 Closes all records Cursor can be anywhere in an activated window.
Shift+F2 Retrieves Headings window Cursor can be anywhere in an activated window
Ctrl+F2 Copy record ID Copies record ID of bib, MFHD, or item record displayed
Shift+F3 Retrieves Titles window Cursor can be anywhere in an activated window
Shift+F4 Adds (LC) to the end of the call number Click on the selection column at the 852 field; runs whether or not the 852 field is highlighted, but selection column arrow must be pointing to 852. Run after the basic call number has been pasted into 852 ‡h and ‡i
F5 Open MFHD or MFHD dialog box Cursor can be anywhere in an activated bib or item record. MFHD opens if single MFHD; dialog box opens if multiple MFHDs.
Shift+F5 Adds (LC)+ ‡m Oversize Click on the selection column at the 852 field; runs whether or not the 852 field is highlighted, but selection column arrow must be pointing to 852. Run after the basic call number has been pasted into 852 ‡h and ‡i
Ctrl+F5 Adds + ‡m Oversize Click on the selection column at the 852 field; runs whether or not the 852 field is highlighted, but selection column arrow must be pointing to 852. Run after the basic call number has been pasted into 852 ‡h and ‡i
F6 Retrieves bib rec from MFHD Cursor can be anywhere in an activated  MFHD or item record
Shift+F6 Enters 866 field (with indicators) Position cursor in any cell of preceding field or in selection column of preceding field
Ctrl+F6 Creates new MFHD Cursor can be anywhere in an activated bibliographic record
F7 In Circ module,  enters your most heavily used patron code You need to identify your most heavily used patron code and enter it in the script loaded on your workstation
F7 Opens retrieve barcode window Cursor can be anywhere in an activated window
Shift+F7 Retrieves item record(s) Cursor can be anywhere in an activated MFHD record
Ctrl+F7 Creates new item record Cursor can be anywhere in an activated bibliographic or MFHD record
Ctrl+F9 9xx delete On bib record, deletes all 9xx except 950. Cursor can be anywhere in the activated bib window.
F10 Opens Search window Cursor can be anywhere in an activated window (should also work if a subwindow is open)
Shift+F10   Formerly Remote connection to LCDB; this hotkey is now open for customization
Ctrl+F10 Converts EAN to ISBN CAT MODULE: Open search window, select ISBN index & position cursor in Search for; wand the EAN  barcode
F11   Formerly Open RLIN IMP file; this hotkey is now open for customization
Shift+F11 Open OCLCIMP file Cursor can be anywhere in an activated window (should also work if a subwindow is open).
F12 Opens POPUP MENU If cursor needs to be positioned, insert before activating the menu. When the menu is activated, either double-click on the macro name or enter the number or letter associated with the macro.
Shift+F12 Adds ‡dCtY to 040 field Cursor can be anywhere in 040 EXCEPT beginning of field Modify MARC21 location code if necessary
Ctrl+F12 Inserts 040 CtY‡cCtY above field selected Cursor can be anywhere in the succeeding field. Modify MARC21 location code if necessary
Shift + Delete key Erase End of Field Deletes all text to the right of the cursor in a given variable field.
Shift + Insert key Opens window of subsequent next title (and closes the top window) Use when multiple titles are retrieved from a search. From the Titles List window, select and open window for a title. From the bib window of the title selected, running the macro will open the next window and close the top window.
Ctrl + Insert key Opens previous window from title list (and closes the top window) Use when multiple titles are retrieved from a search. From the Titles List window, select and open window for a title. From the bib window of the title selected, running the macro will open the previous window and close the top window.
Ctrl + Keypad 5 Switches Macro File Switches to master1.1D.mex file if master1.1N.mex is up; switches to master1.1N.mex if master1.1D.mex is up. (Switching to master1.1N.mex allows use of number pad)
Last modified: 
Friday, August 4, 2017 - 10:01am