YUL Policy for E-variant record links in MARC: Single-Record Approach

A single-bibliographic-record approach may be used for materials cataloged following Rare Books & Manuscripts (RBMS) or manuscripts and archival standards (DACS, APPM, and AMREMM, etc.) so that unique features of the item are recorded once. This single-record approach consists of a holdings record for each physical copy with the appropriate, copy-specific notes, and an added e-Holdings record (suppressed) for each digital manifestation.  See examples below. 

Single Record Approach example : The history of England under the House of Stuart (Test Voyager Bib4749863)

Checklist for Digitized Special Collections Using the Single-Record Approach (published materials)

The single-record approach is fulfilled in two primary steps: 

  1. edit the existing Holdings (MFHD) record for the analog item; and

  2. create a new -- and suppressed -- Holdings record to account for the digital surrogate

If more than one copy of a resource has been digitized, apply these steps for each Holding representing an analog item that has been digitized.

MFHD for the analog item (existing) Action and Field Text
[Copy Specific Notes] Move all copy-specific notes from the Bibliographic (BIB) records to the appropriate Holdings record (MFHD) for the analog items. This step will enable the DCS to harvest the correct copy-specific data for the digitized item and remove from the BIB record copy-specific notes that do not apply. In some cases this data will be moved from the BIB record 590 fields. In the Holdings record, apply fields 541, 561, 562, or 563, as appropriate. 
541 Immediate Source of Acquisition Note 541 1/ c Gift; a Paul Mellon; d 1977
561 Ownership and Custodial History 561 1/ a Major Sir Charles Blackett Collection.
562 Copy and Version Identification Note 562 // a First line of text erased from this impression.
563 Binding Information 563 // a Late 16th century blind-tooled centrepiece binding, dark brown calf.

856 Electronic Location and Access


[This field will be added (perhaps automatically) following ingestion of files into the new DCS. ]

 856 41 y Digital version u [URL of digital item]

Create a new MFHD for the digital surrogate Action and Field Text
852 Location 852 80 b yulintx h None z Online resource k E-VARIANT
014 Linkage Number 014 0/ a [holdings record number of the digitized analog item]
Suppress from OPAC [Add a checkmark to the “Suppress from OPAC” field]
583 a transferred to optimal storage. [Preservica automatically adds this note]

Record for the analog item Action and Field Text
Bibliographic (905)

[The actions described above will trigger an automated routine to add the following field in the Bibliographic record. Do not add manually.]

905 // a online resource



583 0/ a digitized c [Time/date of action] k [Action agent, e.g. YUL Preservation Dept] 2 pda 5 CtY-[YUL library code]