Welcome back! Hope you all had a wonderful winter break.
The East Asia Library is delighted to announce that a second workshop series of “Know before You Go: Researching East Asia in U.S.” will be held at the Sterling Memorial Library (SML) this Spring. Librarians and directors from major East Asian collections in the U.S. will be invited to introduce and show off their rare and unique resources, recent acquisitions, digitization projects, travel grants, access policies, etc. at the workshops. You will have the rare opportunity to meet and connect with them before visiting their libraries to conduct your own research during the summer or in the near future.
All of the workshops will take place from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in SML 218. Light lunches are provided, thanks to the generous support from the Council on East Asian Studies. Please see below for a detailed schedule and mark your calendar! Title and a brief description for each presentation at the workshop series will be announced when the dates are closer. Please stay tuned!
February 17 (Friday)
East Asian Library and the Gest Collection, Princeton University
Speakers: Dr. Martin Heijdra, Library Director, Acting Chinese & Western Bibliographer, Head of Public Services
Ms. Setsuko Noguchi, Japanese Studies Librarian
February 24 (Friday)
International and Area Studies Department, Duke University
Speakers: Ms. Luo Zhou, Chinese Studies Librarian
Dr. Kristina Troost, Head of International Area Studies and Japanese Studies Librarian
March 31 (Friday)
East Asian Collection, University of Chicago
Speaker: Dr. Yuan Zhou, Curator
April 7 (Friday)
Asian Division, Library of Congress
Speakers: Dr. Yuwu Song, Reference Specialist
Mr. Eiichi Ito, Reference Specialist
We look forward to seeing many of you there at this workshop series!