Service Owner 
George Ouellette
YUL Service Domain 
LibGuides, SpringShare, library guides
Short Description: 
Research guides allow YUL staff to quickly and easily create web-based guides to assist Yale students and researchers discover and use library resources and services.

The Yale University Library provides support for developing research guides though the use of a research guide content management system.  The content management system allows YUL staff to quickly and collaboratively develop and publish library research guides.  The research guide services provided by YUL include

  • Adding, removing, or altering the privileges of research guide authors;
  • Designing the look-and-feel of research guides;
  • Configuring the research guide content management system display;
  • Creating and maintaining standard boxes and widgets that authors can use in their guides;
  • Training; and
  • Integrating research guides with other parts of the YUL web ecosystem.
No visibility restrictions
Who is elegible to use this service offering? 
Yale Library Staff Only
Affiliations that can use this service offering 
How do I get it? 

To request access to the research guide content management system, please contact the Library Research Guides Advisory Group email list at

How do I access it? 

Navigate to

At the bottom of the screen, click the link labeled Login to LibApps.

Does your service offering require a user to have specific system configurations? 

The research guide content management system is entirely web-based.  A computer with a modern web browser is required to use it.

Is there a specific area that your user can go to for help? 

The Research Guides Advisory Group has developed a support page at

Do you have specific Documentation and Support outside of the Knowledge Base?  

Documentation for the research guides content management system is available at

The documentation includes step-by-step instructions on using the most common features of the content management system, a styleguide for authoring guides, and a list of best practices to assist you in creating accessible and usable guides.  The page includes link to standard content, boxes, and widgets to help you get started.

Are there any specific policies and procedures outlined for your service offering? 

A styleguide and a set of best practices are available at

You can contact the Research Guide Advisory Group with any additional policy questions at

Are there Rates & Charges Associated to this Service Offering? 
Add, Install, Move, Modify
Performance Issue
Something Broken
Tier 1 Support 
YUL Support Group (listed above)
Sub-category needed? 
Generic Request? 
Can users request access to your service offering? 