Service Owner
Steven Wieda
YUL Service Domain
workshops, classes, searchfest, instruction
Short Description:
Library IT offers training on the technologies it provides via workshops, documentation, and one-on-one instruction.
Library IT offers traning on the technologies it provides. Training is offered both in one-on-one sessions and group workshops. Training is also provided in fun events such as SearchFest.
Training workshops offered in the past include:
- Windows 10
- Quicksearch
- LibGuides
- LibCal
- LibAnswers
No visibility restrictions
Who is elegible to use this service offering?
Yale Library Staff Only
Affiliations that can use this service offering
How do I access it?
To request training, please use the Library IT service request form. Please use the Long description field to provide as much information regarding your query as posible.
Do you have specific Documentation and Support outside of the Knowledge Base?
Workshops and other training events are promoted on the YUL Library IT Webpage.
Are there any specific policies and procedures outlined for your service offering?
Please contact your supervisor prior to attending training sessions or workshops.
Are there Rates & Charges Associated to this Service Offering?
Tier 1 Support
YUL Support Group (listed above)
Sub-category needed?
Generic Request?
Can users request access to your service offering?
Support Group