Database Hosting and Administration

Service Owner 
Richard Lynch
Short Description: 
The Database Hosting and Administration service provides installation, management, and support for databases required by library departments.

The Database Hosting and Administration service provides installation, management, and support for databases required by library departments. This service provides a variety of administration services including: installation of database software, setup and configuration of database instances, database security, patching, tuning and performance analysis, troubleshooting, backups and disaster recovery planning.  The Database Hosting and Administration service is currently focused on Microsoft SQL Server 2016.  Database hosting services for specific applications and vendor packages are out of scope.  SQL Server Reporting and Integration Services are considered out of scope for this service.

No visibility restrictions
Who is elegible to use this service offering? 
Affiliations that can use this service offering 
How do I access it? 

Database owners interact with the service through Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or via a direct ODBC connection to the database through third party applications (e.g. Tableau, Excel, Access).

Are there any specific policies and procedures outlined for your service offering? 

An operating agreement, known locally as a service overview, is available for this service. A service overview is a document that defines expectations and resources required to provide ongoing operational support for the service.  You can view it here.

Are there Rates & Charges Associated to this Service Offering? 
Add, Install, Move, Modify
Performance Issue
Scheduling and Support
Something Broken
Tier 1 Support 
YUL Support Group (listed above)
Sub-category needed? 
Generic Request? 
Can users request access to your service offering? 