We would like to announce the trial of digital edition of Japan Chronicle Weekly. The trial runs from today through October 15, 2014.
Japan Chronicle Weekly (1902 – 1940)
“The English-language Japan Chronicle Weekly (1902 – 1940) is the newspaper of record for Japan’s engagement with modernity and its emergence, through war, political and social upheaval and seismic social change in East Asia, onto the world stage in the first half of the twentieth century. Historians of East Asia have long seen the Japan Chronicle as a uniquely valuable resource. This well-informed, controversial but always readable source of news and opinion on Japan and East Asia offers an intriguing and lively Japanese complement to the North-China Herald.” - from the database site.
Please contact Haruko Nakamura (haruko.nakamura@yale.edu) if you have any questions. As all of you are aware, unless the database will be utilized, we will not have it past the trial period. If you find this database useful, please make sure to give us feedback.