A trial for a Chinese language database from the National Library of China, Zhongguo li shi wen xian zong ku. Jin dai bao zhi shu ju ku 中国历史文献总库•近代报纸数据库, has been set up for Yale University users from now to November 10, 2018. The database has been added to Library’s Chinese studies research guide. Since the access is controlled by Yale IP ranges, you have to login Yale VPN first to get access from off-campus locations.
Digitized the contents from the comprehensive collections of the National Library of China with the supplements from other Chinese libraries, the first series of Zhongguo li shi wen xian zong ku. Jin dai bao zhi shu ju ku 中国历史文献总库•近代报纸数据库contains 100 titles (more than 600,000 pages) of Chinese national and local newspapers published between 1911 and 1949. Major national newspapers include 《解放日报》《新华日报》《北京益世报》《大刚报》, and major local newspapers include 《华北日报》《冀热察导报》《绥远西北日报》《黑龙江日报》《汉口市民日报》《山东民国日报》《东南日报》《福建日报》《阵中日报(桂林)》《西康国民日报》《贵州商报》《西京日报》《青海民国日报》《宁夏民国日报》《琼崖民国日报》《新疆日报》etc. The NLC has an ambitious plan to further expand the contents to 500 titles (more than 5,000,000 pages) through 2022. However, this is a full-image database with limited search functions by article title, page and publication date for an individual title as well as the entire database.
Certain restrictions applied during the trial period including no download and print functions. Please feel free to contact Michael Meng, Librarian for Chinese Studies, if you have any questions about the trial.