
September 30, 2015
The Whitney Humanities Center auditorium, Thursday, October 8, 5:00 pm The reign of Elizabeth I saw the rise of Shakespeare's theater, but what did she have to say herself? Dissecting the persona of Elizabeth I through Joycean deconstruction of her letters, speeches, poems and prayers, "texts&...
September 30, 2015
A new exhibition is now on view at the Haas Family Arts Library, located at 190 York Street, New Haven. The Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon or Canticles, is a book of the Bible that is more lyrical than other parts of the Bible, containing poems about love. For over a century,...
September 28, 2015
The Yale University Library recently announced the appointment of Martin (Marty) Kurth as Associate University Librarian for Technical Services, a role which includes managing a large and dedicated staff who oversee the acquisition and cataloging of all library materials. Marty was previously the...
Illustration from The Song of Songs (Book Club of California, 1922)
September 24, 2015
Exhibition on view September 28, 2015 – February 19, 2016 The Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon or Canticles, is a book of the Bible that is more lyrical than other parts of the Bible, containing poems about love.  For over a century, modern fine printers have been inspired by these...
China and the Chinese Diaspora Open House: English-Language Primary Resources at Yale Libraries
September 23, 2015
China and the Chinese Diaspora Open House: English-Language Primary Resources at Yale Libraries Friday October 9 2:30 pm-4:00 pm Beinecke Temporary Classroom  (First Floor, Sterling Memorial Library) Six stations are set up to feature English-language manuscripts and archives, books, periodicals,...
September 22, 2015
Fragrance of the Past: Remembering Ch’ung-ho Chang Frankel (1913-2015)   Friday October 2 1:45 — 3:45 PM Henry R. Luce Hall Auditorium, 34 Hillhouse Ave Programs   1:45-2:00 pm Event Opening Speech  2:00-2:50 pm Performance of Chinese Kunqu Opera by New York Kunqu Society: “ Sifan 思凡”and “ Jingmeng...
Digital Humanities Lab
September 22, 2015
The Digital Humanities Lab invites you to Digital Humanities Office Hours this (and every!) Tuesday, from 2:00pm-3:30pm. We meet in the new DHLab space in Sterling Memorial Library, room 316. Office Hours are an informal opportunity to see the lab, enjoy coffee and conversation, and meet the staff...
