During Office Hours, Gideon Fink Shapiro will report on Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School 2015, a week-long international conference and workshop co-organized by Trier University and University of Luxembourg, which took place September 26–October 3. He will briefly discuss the format of the...
The Yale Working Group in Digital Manuscript Studies and the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library are pleased to announce a call for expressions of interest in the Fall 2015 Digital Manuscript Studies Workshop.
Participants will learn the fundamentals of digital editing while tackling the...
All are welcome to join us for this talk on on Wednesday, October 21 at 9:00 am in the SML Lecture Hall "Bringing Japan to Yale", by Robert G. Wheeler, Professor Emeritus of Engineering and Applied Physics at Yale. A curator of the current Peabody Museum exhibit Samurai and the Culture of Japan’s...
10/30 Chinese Christianity Sources from the Republican Period @ Yale: John Sung Papers and more!
Tang Li, Public Services Librarian, East Asia Library
Martha Smalley, Special Collections Librarian, Divinity Library
Time and place
2:30 pm—3:30 pm, Room 218, Sterling Memorial Library...
The Yale Public Humanities Working Group visited the DHLab on October 13 to tour the space and discuss productive crossovers in digital humanities and public humanities initiatives. DHLab Director, Peter Leonard, began the discussion by introducing the Lab, and Lindsay King (Robert B. Haas Family...
Thursday, October 15, 4:00 pm, Sterling Memorial Library Lecture Hall
Julieanna L. Richardson is the Founder and Executive Director of The HistoryMakers, the largest national collection effort of African American video oral histories on record. Richardson graduated from Brandeis University in 1976...
From October 19-24, the Yale Library will be marking international Open Access Week with a series of wide ranging events, from the use of data, images and government documents, to knowing your rights as an author and understanding 'predatory publishers'. All events are listed on the library...