The Yale Public Humanities Working Group visited the DHLab on October 13 to tour the space and discuss productive crossovers in digital humanities and public humanities initiatives. DHLab Director, Peter Leonard, began the discussion by introducing the Lab, and Lindsay King (Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library), Lisa Conathan (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library), and Catherine DeRose (Digital Humanities Lab) each highlighted example crossover projects. Lindsay demoed Ensemble, a crowdsourcing effort for Yale playbills that is modeled after the New York Public Library's What's on the Menu?, Lisa presented on a Cherokee Transcription project that works with a collection held in Beinecke Library, and Catherine provided an overview of Carnegie Hall's Lullaby Project, which pairs mothers and musicians together. The conversation continued informally after the presentations, as people interacted with the space and tried out additional Lab projects.
Photos from the event: