Digital Humanities Lab
DHLab Training Scholarships
The DHLab is pleased to announce a limited number of $500 Digital Humanities Training Scholarships. Yale graduate students, undergraduates, and librarians are eligible to apply. These scholarships support participation in week-long DH workshops such as (links will be updated with the upcoming course offerings when the institutes post them):
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI)
Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT)
Digital Humanities @ Oxford (DHOxSS)
Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School
Summer School in Chinese Digital Humanities
Other week-length DH programs substantially similar in scope and purpose
The application cycle for 2017 workshops is closed. Please check back in the fall for 2018 workshops.
See Off-Campus Workshops for additional funding opportunities provided through the institutes themselves.
Former application process
Email the following information (PDF preferred) to with the subject heading 2017 Training Scholarship:
1) Name, department, and Yale affiliation (graduate student or library staff); graduate students should also include their year in the program
2) Name of workshop/institute
3) Specific course you plan to take
4) A brief statement of how the course will help you in your research
5) Other sources of funding you have received or expect to receive (scholarships, travel funds, etc.)
6) Please indicate if you are an international student (all students are eligible)
There are a limited number of these $500 scholarships available. If awarded a scholarship, we ask that you make an informal presentation in the DHLab summarizing what you learned so that others can benefit from your experience. These scholarships cannot be awarded for training opportunities that are fully funded without the scholarship, and you may only receive one DHLab Training Scholarship per year.
Please feel free to email the DHLab with any questions.