Digital Humanities Lab
Outside Funding
Below is a list of organizations that regularly fund digital humanities projects. For outside funding that is available for workshops, see Off-Campus Workshops.
Faculty and Administrators Only
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)
ACLS Digital Extension Grants — directed at existing humanities and social science projects so that they can be enhanced and disseminated to new audiences. Each grant will provide up to $150,000 in funding.
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
The NEH's Office Of Digital Humanities (ODH) oversees a number of grants for research and outreach projects that incorporate digital technologies. Below is a short list of a few that might be of particular interest to members of the Yale community. For a complete list with deadlines, refer to NEH Grants. For examples of previously funded projects, see "Featured Project Articles."
Digital Humanities Start Up Grants — for the early development of innovative digital projects
Digital Humanities Implementation Grants — for digital projects that have already successfully completed a start-up phase
Digital Projects for the Public — for projects that significantly contribute to the public's engagement with the humanities
For assistance developing a data management plan, contact Research Data Support.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Digital humanities grants are available through Mellon's Scholarly Communications program, which targets projects that aim to create, preserve, and disseminate digital scholarship and collections.
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) — applicant must be a head administrator
Digitizing Hidden Collections — supports the complete digitization of a scholarly collection that will then be made accessible to the public
Graduate Students Only
The Gale Dissertation Research Fellowship in Nineteenth-Century Media
The Gale Dissertation Fellowship supports projects that use digital facsimiles in their research of the nineteenth-century British press.