
Sterling Memorial Library's Newspaper Reading Room–the room that formerly housed the library's newspaper collections and which is now a general study space–will reopen for use on Monday January 13, following a complete re-carpeting of the room. The entrance to the room is located just adjacent to...
The lapdesks, provided by the Yale chapter of Design for America, are lightweight and ergonomic. They have been specially chosen to reduce wrist, back, and other types of injuries incurred through repeated laptop usage. Lapdesks are available for checkout at the Bass Library circulation desk...
Wednesday, September 24, 12:00 pm Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT Join us for a tour of 3 fascinating and diverse Medical Library exhibits – "The Body as a Machine", "Vesalius at 500", and "Dangers of Underage Drinking and other Historical Posters." The tour will be...
The final exhibition of the Beinecke’s 50th anniversary celebrations, The Power of Pictures, draws upon the Library’s collections to consider our visual heritage, a record of image-making that began at least 40,000 years ago. In the digital era our daily lives are awash in pictures: still and...
Jake Carlson Thursday April 4, 1:00 – 2:30 pm CSSSI 24 hour space, 219 Prospect Jake Carlson is a Data Services Specialist at the Purdue University Libraries. In this role, he explores the application of the theories, principles, and practices of library science beyond the domain of...
We are delighted to announce that the annual report issue of Nota Bene: News from the Yale Library is now available online. Printed copies are also available on request by emailing librarycommunication...
