
Thanks to the generosity of Yale alumnus Frederick Iseman (Yale College '74), the Yale School of Music and the Gilmore Music Library now offer access to the spectacular Met Opera on Demand. Click here to give it a try: Met Opera on Demand includes dozens...
Dustin Lewis, Project Manager, Harvard Berkman Center for Internet & Society Tuesday April 16, 2:00 pm SML International Room The modern college textbook, often written with a specific course in mind, is expensive, inflexible, and hard to customize or update. Professors who wish to teach...
All are welcome to the following talk sponsored by the Library's Standing Committee on Professional Awareness (SCOPA) Wednesday, June 4, 2014 2:00pm Sterling Memorial Library International Room What kind of library skills do our students have? Are our information literacy sessions enough? Are they...
The Yale University Library Digital Initiatives & Technology Newsletter for April is now available online at:
Survivors' reflections on the effects of their Holocaust experiences upon their lives and those of their children.
On Monday, August 4th at 2pm in the SML International Room, Janene Batten, Nursing Reference Librarian and Janis Glover, Senior Reference Librarian at the Yale Medical Library, will talk on evidence-based practice. This originated in the field of medicine and has grown to encompass all disciplines...
Avid exhibition-goers may have recently traveled back to ancient Egypt at the Peabody Museum, encountered Renaissance painter Francesco Vanni at the Yale Art Gallery, or felt the “Power of Pictures” at the Beinecke Library. But did you know you could also dance with Lady Emma Hamilton,...
