Yale Guidelines and Yale Fonts
The library follows the guidelines set out in Web Logos, Typefaces, Colors .
If you are planning on using Yale fonts for the Yale logo, The Yale University Library wordmark, or for other branding purposes like names of libraries, collections, departments, events or services, please contact Tricia Carey.
If you are working with YaleSites, the Yale fonts may be available through the @font-your-face module. If you are planning on using the Yale font in place of a graphic listed above, you should review how YaleSites has implemented the fonts. Again, if you have any questions contact Stevev Wiedaa.
Serif font should generally be used only for block and page titles. In CSS, serif fonts should be listed in this order:
Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif
If you wish to include a Yale font as the first serif option, be aware that it will not be available on most web clients. If you do have a way of uploading fonts to clients using a service, you should still use Yale fonts sparingly, and test them on mutiple combinations of hardware, operating systems and browsers. Not all Yale fonts work well at lower resolutions and lower sizes. For more information see this page on Typefaces.
Most content should be in sans-serif fonts. In CSS, sans-serif fonts should be listed in this order:
Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
The Yale Logo and the Library wordmark
Please review the printer's office for policy on placing The Yale logo & Wordmarks.
In addition, web pages should also include the Yale University Library wordmark, or another graphical header that is approved by Steven Wieda and the Printer's office.
High quality versions of the library wordmark are available by contacting Steven Wieda at the links near the top of this page.