The Arts of the Book Collection, part of the Special Collections at the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library, strives to document the many trends in the wide-ranging field of book arts. One such trend comprises artists who challenge the traditional codex format with unexpected sculptural renderings. Yet, these works often preserve other conventions of the book, such as narrative and reader interaction. Sculptural book objects allow readers to appreciate the book for its physical format as well as its content. Such an experience informs future interactions with codex and non-codex formats alike.
This exhibition is a companion to the student-curated exhibition at the Yale University Art Gallery: Odd Volumes: Book Art from the Allan Chasanoff Collection, on view from November 7, 2014 - February 1, 2015. Additionally, Beyond the Codex is a companion to Connecticut (un)Bound at the local non-profit gallery Artspace, on view starting November 7, 2014 and running through January 2015. The Haas Family Arts Library actively supports the research of the Yale University Art Gallery (YUAG) in addition to arts-area research by member of the Yale, national, and international communities. Beyond the Codex features works in the Arts Library's collections by artists selected for inclusion in Odd Volumes and Connecticut (un)Bound as well as artists not represented at YUAG, thus highlighting the complementary nature of the Arts of the Book Collection and the YUAG's Allan Chasanoff Collection.
Beyond the Codex is free and open to the public in the William H. Wright Exhibit Area in the lower level of the Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library. Enter through the Loria Center at 190 York Street. Public access hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. The Yale community can see the exhibit any time the library is open, seven days a week.