Current Members

Éva Bolkovac (Chair)

Assistant Cataloging Management Librarian

Catalog and Metadata Services

Nancy Lyon


Manuscripts & Archives

Tatiana Barr

Catalog Librarian/Team Leader Copy Cataloging Team

Catalog and Metadata Services

Kevin Merriman

Head of Collection Development

Center for Science and Social Science Information

Dominique Bourassa (CPDC Chair)

Catalog Librarian for French Language Original Cataloging Team

Catalog and Metadata Services

Diane Napert

Monograph Accessions Librarian

Acquisitions Department

Ellen Cordes        

Head of Technical Services

Lewis Walpole Library

Christine Pesch Richardson

Serials & Preservation Librarian

Divinity Library

Geraldine Anne Dickel

Hebraica Catalog Librarian

Catalog and Metadata Services

Charles Riley

Catalog Librarian for African Languages

Catalog and Metadata Services

Todd Fell

Head of Rare Book Cataloging Unit

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Nathan Rupp

Head, Collection Development & Management

Medical Library

Eric Friede

Interim Head of Acquisitions

Acquisitions Department

Rick Sarcia

Interim Head of Cataloging

Catalog and Metadata Services

Abdelahad Hannawi

Near East Catalog Librarian

Catalog and Metadata Services

Christopher Smith (SACO Chair)

Catalog, Librarian Rare Book Cataloging Unit

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Ts-Ching Kao

Chinese Technical Services Librarian

International Collection Support Services

Karen Spicher


Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Robert Klingenberger

Head of Digital & Reformatting Services

Preservation Department

Keiko Suzuki

Head of International Collection Support Services

Michelle Koth

Catalog Librarian

Music Library

Dajin Sun

Catalog Management Librarian/Team Leader Metadata Services and Catalog Management Team

Catalog and Metadata Services

Marty Kurth

Associate University Librarian for Technical Services

Technical Services Administration

Patricia Thurston

Catalog Librarian/Team Leader Specialty Cataloging Team

Catalog and Metadata Services

Francis Lapka

Catalog Librarian

Yale Center for British Art

Melissa Wisner

Enterprise System Manager

Library IT