Variant Editions>Example 1: Later Edition

Background: brief record in Orbis. Overlaid with source copy from OCLC; source copy edited to match item in hand.

Source copy:

source copy image

Record to be cataloged (before):

brief record image

Cataloged Record (after):

Following overlay of the source record & editing to match the item cataloged.

Leader (Orbis record). Note Cataloging Form value is i.

008. Be sure to change the date to match the new publication date in 264.

Variable Fields (see comments following the picture).


020 changes for the new edition.

035 for the old NOTIS number retained. All other 035 fields have been deleted.

In 040, $b eng represents the language of the cataloging agency, and $e rda is the only explicit identifier for the descriptive rules.

Auflage could represent printing or edition, but difference in pagination justifies treatment as a different edition; the word is not abbreviated in this edition. On the other hand, "12." appeared as such in the book.

In 300, "pages" and "page" are not abbreviated. Instead of brackets, "unnumbered" is used. No period with "cm," even if it is the last term in the field.

336-338 were supplied with a macro to minimize typos.

Last numbered page is 234; an additional page is added to justify the page numbering for the bibliographic references in 504. Although the last page of the bibliography is unnumbered, the page number is supplied without brackets.

Monika Kühn is new to Orbis. No NAR exists for her name in LC Authorities. No references are required; a name authority record is not created in this situation.

Although DTV 20386 appears on the item, the Series authority record (SAR) for DTV (Series) is coded c: Series like phrase under 008 Type of Series, so DTV 20386 should not be entered in 4xx. In addition, the 667 in the SAR indicates that DTV should not be included as a note either.

SAR Variable Fields:

Field 667 indicates that the cataloger should not use "DTV" in a note field. TIP: series authority records for series-like phrases will lack fields 642, 644, 645, & 646.

SAR variable field image

SAR 008:

SAR 008 image

Effective Date: 
February 5, 2014