Serial Maintenance (Acquisitions Support Staff)

CONSER Standard records (CSR) began to appear in OCLC beginning in summer 2007. The encoding level of the CSR will be blank (full) or I (if OCLC), have a Cataloging Source c and include a 042 field. The new standard records will have substantially less information than the old "full" CONSER records created before the CSR policy. Cataloging supplied by non-CONSER libraries, like Yale, will follow the new standard with some exceptions. YUL records will have Cataloging Source d and no 042 field, but the Encoding Level will be blank (i.e. full) or, if cataloged on OCLC I.

As a general rule, the records following the old CONSER standard should not be edited to follow the new standard, and records that follow the new standard should not be edited to match the old standard. Exception: Some of the revision actions listed below represent local decisions and are not required by the new standard. Follow the local decision even if the new standard does not require revision/recataloging.

The following revisions to the cataloged record should be performed by authorized staff responsible for the receipt of serial issues.

022 ISSN. If the 022 field is not on the record and is available on the issue, create a 022 field and enter the ISSN number. (Note that only NSDP and ISSN Canada are authorized to use first indicator 0.)

022     ‡a 1053-8356
  1. Enter the field in numerical order, e.g. after 010, before 03x.
  2. Never enter more than one 022 field.

    Caution: the cataloger may have already entered the 022 field, but out of order. Do a quick eyeball of the record to make sure that the 022 hasn't been entered below, say, 050. If there is a series, verify that the ISSN has not been entered in the series field (4xx) in ‡x. Currently, the Orbis profile allows you to enter multiple ISSNs, so you could enter a duplicate ISSN by mistake.

  3. Never modify the 008 ISSN Center.

035/079. Records cataloged at Yale should all have a 035/079 pair of fields. Do not delete these fields. They represent the YUL institution record ID number [035] and the OCLC Master Record ID number [079]. Records with the 035/079 pair are automatically re-exported to OCLC whenever the Orbis record is updated & are needed to replace the YUL institution record in OCLC.

040 If the last entry in 040 is not ‡d CtY <or other appropriate MARC21 code>or ‡d YUS <or other appropriate OCLC code>, add ‡d CtY (or appropriate MARC21 code) if you update the bibliographic record.

Example: YUS at the end of the 040 string, so do not add ‡d CtY

040     ‡a ‡a MUL ‡c MUL ‡d COO ‡d NSD ‡d HUL ‡d DLC ‡d NSD ‡d NST ‡d YUS

Frequency (310)

  1. If the record lacks a 310, add 310 even if there is no frequency change [this will only apply to older records]
  2. Take the frequency term from 008; if 008 is blank, do not make a 310 unless the title is known to be irregular (in which case, enter Irregular in 310 & change the 008 for Frequency to x). If 008 is blank but the issue in hand has frequency information, check with a cataloger. NOTE: current standard does not require a 008 for Frequency. Leave the 008 as is in that case. If the 008 has "No Attempt to Code" under Frequency, check with a cataloger regarding 310.
  3. No period at the end of 310 or 321
  4. If there is a stated irregularity in the publication pattern, record it in parentheses
  5. If the frequency changes involves the title (Yale quarterly becomes Yale annual), consult with cataloger


310     ‡a Semiannual

Stated irregularity. Abbreviations are optional.

310     ‡a Monthly (except July-August)

Frequency Change (310/321) If the frequency changes, account for the change by updating 310/321.

  1. Enter current frequency in 310; former frequency in 321.
  2. If the 008 for Frequency is not a | <"No attempt to code;" Shift \>, replace it with the fill character now; once the Frequency is represented by the |, the 008 no longer needs to be updated if the Frequency changes again
  3. If a 321 already exists, order of 321s should be: earliest to latest
  4. Use ,‡b in 310/321 to indicate coverage dates
  5. There is no longer a limit on the number of frequency changes that can be recorded.
  6. If the record has used a 321 Frequency varies note with a date range, retain it and record the latest 321 frequency after it.

Example: In ‡b, if the beginning date is not known, give the earliest known date in angle brackets; if no earliest known date is available, just enter the latest date. Note the order of 321s from earliest to latest.

310     ‡a Semiannual, ‡b 2004-
321     ‡a Semiannual, ‡b <1985>-1990
321     ‡a Monthly, ‡b -Dec. 2000
321     ‡a Quarterly, ‡b <winter 2002>-fall 2003

In ‡b, use the same level of detail found on the issue. If the publisher supplies day/month/season, include it before the year; if the publisher only gives the year, enter only the year.

321     ‡a Monthly, ‡b Jan. 12, 1960-Dec. 25, 1969

If months are recorded, use AACR2 abbreviations and capitalize following AACR2.

321     ‡a Monthly, ‡b genn. 1934-febbr. 1934

If seasons are recorded, follow publisher usage; capitalize only if the language requires it.

321     ‡a Quarterly, ‡b printemps 1994-automne 1999

588 Latest issue consulted (LIC)

  1. Whenever the record is updated, add a 588 note to indicate the Latest Issue Consulted (LIC).
  2. Transcribe the designation (enumeration/chronology) as found with regard to abbreviations or use of roman vs. arabic numerals. Use capitalization appropriate to the language.
  3. The ANSI/NISO punctuation used in the volume holdings is not used in the LIC.
  4. Enclose the chronological designation in parentheses.
  5. Note: 588 field does not display in the OPAC.
588     ‡a Latest issue consulted: v. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 2008).
588     ‡a Latest issue consulted: neue Folge, Band 1, Lieferung 4, published 2007.

In the second example, the publisher did not associate any chronological designation with the numbering, so the date was taken from the title page and was not entered in parentheses.

510 Citation/reference notes with first indicator 0,1, or 2 may be deleted from cataloged records. EXCEPTION: 510 with indicators 3 or 4 are for rare serials; do not delete 510 in that case.


510 1   ‡a Business periodicals index ‡x 0007-6961
510 2   ‡a Chemical abstracts ‡x 009-2258
510 0   ‡a Biography index ‡b 006-3053


510 4   ‡a Sabin ‡c 62661


1. "Major/Minor changes." The title of the serial has changed or the 110 has changed. (If a corporate body used as a qualifier has changed, this is also "major") The distinction between a major change and a minor change title change can be esoteric, but the result will be significant. A major change requires a new record; a minor change is usually covered by adding a variant title (246) entry to the existing record. Just because the publisher announces a title change does not mean the change is significant enough to require a new record.

2. Change in numbering. The numbering re-starts, or numbering is combined with the year for the first time. Usually this means re-cataloging, not a new record.

3. The format changes. The publisher announces that the printed serial is going exclusively online. A new record needs to be created.

4. The serial formally ceases. The publisher announces that you are receiving the last issue of the serial. (The more optimistic publishers "never say die!")

5. The serial merges with another serial or splits into two or more serials.