Specialty Cataloging Team

About Us


The Specialty Cataloging Team supports the teaching and research missions of Yale University and scholarly communities worldwide by providing access to material in all formats and languages, received directly from the School and Departmental libraries and units specifically assigned to the Team, and listed below. In addition, we catalog material from any library or unit requiring Slavic & East European, Hebrew, and Yiddish language expertise. We will also catalog any material, from any library or unit, when appropriate (i.e. when staffing constraints and project workloads on other cataloging teams necessitate our assistance). We accomplish this goal by creating metadata and performing subject analysis in the library catalog, and contributing bibliographic records to national and international databases. In carrying out our Team Mission, we work in harmony with local and national cataloging standards and practices, and adhere to the Library's mission, vision, and values.


Patricia Thurston, 203-432-8424

For Staff

See Team Sharepoint site for workflow and policy documentation.

Hebraica Cataloging

Last modified: 
Monday, December 14, 2020 - 4:32pm