3.1 Withdrawing Unit Responsibilities
The unit initiating the withdrawal is responsible for updating the acquisitions record (if necessary), the item record, and the MFHD, and for notifying the Catalog Management Team (SML) if the item withdrawn is the last copy held by Yale.
Note that if the bibliographic record represents a cataloged resource overlooked by recon (e.g., the record is a circulation or in-process record that was not overlaid, or there is no record at all in Orbis), Catalog Management must be notified even if the item withdrawn is not the last copy. In that case, Catalog Management will create or upgrade the record, but the Withdrawing Unit will then be responsible for updating the item and MFHD records.
With Orbis being the catalog of record, removal of cards from local and union card catalogs is no longer performed.
a. Updating Orbis
Order record. Cancel the order and close the record if the copy is being withdrawn in its entirety and there is still an open order. Leave the record open if part of the copy is being withdrawn and there is still an open order.
For a single part item being withdrawn, or for a multipart resource where all volumes are being withdrawn:
1. Change the location after the ‡b to withdrawn and insert ‡k Suppressed between ‡b and ‡h. The location ‡b withdrawn automatically suppresses the MFHD; the box for Suppress from OPAC under the MFHD System Tab does not need to be enabled. NOTE: in order for the Suppressed text to display in the Circulation module, some text must be retained in ‡h. Do not delete the original call number or the original text message (e.g. ‡h Shelved by title), even though the value in ‡h does not logically apply.
2. Following the call number, add the staff note: ‡x <location>: <reason>*, withdrawn <mm/yy>, <processing unit>/<initials>. The date should reflect the date of the MFHD update. Optionally, the reason for the withdrawal can be omitted if the reason is recorded in the Item Note field of the Item Record (Access Services practice).
- The reason for withdrawal must be recorded. If an item record is not created for the withdrawn item, record the reason for withdrawal in 852 ‡x.
- Recording withdrawn <mm/yy>, <processing unit>/<initials> in 852 ‡x is required in all cases.
*Take the text for the <reason> from the table in Part II, Section B. of the Circulation Procedures. (Item Record Withdrawal: Policies & Procedures)
Example 1. (Standard Procedure):
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b withdrawn ‡k Suppressed ‡h SH331.5 M48 ‡i N37 1979 ‡x ksl: Poor cond., discarded, withdrawn 09/04, sci/ds |
Example 2. Optional procedure. Access Services leaves out the withdrawal explanation in ‡x because "Poor cond., discarded, withdrawn 09/04" has been recorded in the Item Note field of the item record.:
852 | 0 | 0 | ‡b withdrawn ‡k Suppressed ‡h B4249.L384 ‡i A7713 1971 (LC) ‡x ccl: withdrawn 09/04, accserv/sm |
With the exception of "withdrawn" notes [see ‡x example above], most circulation specific notes should now be entered in the item record according to the policies and procedures documented in the separate Circulation document. Technical services staff authorized to update both MFHD and item records may transfer legacy circulation notes in the MFHD to the item record. Cataloging staff who work primarily with the MFHD should leave legacy Circulation notes found in the MFHD ‡x as is and create a separate $x note to indicate the withdrawn status. If the library practice is not to create an item record, circulation specific notes should continue to be recorded in 852 ‡x.
MFHD: Multipart/Serial
For a multipart or continuing resource (serial) where only some volumes are being withdrawn,
1. Create a separate MFHD with location ‡b withdrawn and ‡k Suppressed. It is not necessary to enable Suppress on the MFHD System Tab. Since the ‡b withdrawn MFHD will function potentially as a "parking lot" for item records for multiple copies (i.e., volumes from multiple locations), do not enter a "real" call number in subfields ‡h and ‡i, since different locations may have different call numbers.
However, in order to display the ‡k Suppressed subfield in the Circulation module, enter ‡h withdrawn (without ‡i) in place of a call number in the "parking lot" MFHD's 852 field. Note that the text withdrawn will appear in both subfield ‡b and subfield ‡h in this situation only.
Since the "parking lot" MFHD will be used for item records for multiple copies, be sure to verify that the "parking lot" MFHD has not already been created.
If the withdrawn volume did not have an item record, do not create a "parking lot" MFHD; perform only step 3.
2. Relink the item records for the withdrawn volumes to the "parking lot" MFHD. Do not create volume holdings on the "parking lot" MFHD for the withdrawn volumes. (Separating the item records for the withdrawn volumes from the original MFHD is a workaround for problems with the Voyager OPAC display.)
3. In the staff note of the original MFHD, indicate which volumes have been withdrawn and the reason why (optionally, the reason may be recorded in the Item Note field if an item record already exists); delete the withdrawn volumes from the 866 volume holdings. Use a separate ‡x field for each withdrawal date.
4. If another copy of the set is held (i.e., there is another MFHD with volume holdings associated with the same bibliographic record), and volumes are withdrawn from the second (third, fourth, etc.) copy of the set,
- relink the item records for the withdrawn volumes from the second copy MFHD to the "parking lot" MFHD
- in the MFHD for the second copy, add a $x staff note indicating the volumes withdrawn and the reason (if the reason is not recorded in the item record).
Chemistry MFHD 852 updated with ‡x staff note to indicate volumes withdrawn.
852 | 8 | 1 | ‡b chem ‡h Shelved alphabetically by title ‡x chem: v.3(1970)-v.6(1976) damaged, discarded, withdrawn 09/04, sci/cz |
866 | 4 | 1 | ‡8 0 ‡a v.7(1977)-v.21(1990), |
866 | 4 | 1 | ‡8 0 ‡a v.23(1991)-v.49(2003) |
Kline MFHD 852 updated with two ‡x staff notes to indicate volumes withdrawn on different dates.
852 | 0 | 1 | ‡b ksl ‡h QD1 ‡b .C444+ ‡m Oversize ‡x ksl: v.6(1976) mutilated, discarded, withdrawn 09/05, sci/cz ‡x ksl: v.47(2001) damaged, discarded, withdrawn 10/06, sci/bs |
866 | 4 | 1 | ‡8 0 ‡a v.7(1977)-v.46(2000), |
866 | 4 | 1 | ‡8 0 ‡a v.48(2002)-v.49(2003) |
Item records for withdrawn chem volumes 3-6 and ksl volume 6 and 47 are relinked to the following MFHD:
852 | 8 | 0 | ‡b withdrawn ‡k Suppressed ‡h withdrawn |
Schematic listing of ENUM/CHRON data from the item records relinked to the MFHD above:
ENUM v.3 CHRON 1973 [relinked from chem]
ENUM v.4 CHRON 1974 [relinked from chem]
ENUM v.5 CHRON 1975 [relinked from chem]
ENUM v.6 CHRON 1976 [relinked from chem]
ENUM v.6 CHRON 1976 [relinked from ksl]
ENUM v.47 CHRON 2001 [relinked from ksl]
EXAMPLE. Item Record for Chem v.3(1973). Note that the original location in the Perm Loc. field should be changed to "withdrawn".
MFHD volume holdings (866/867/868). If all volumes are being withdrawn, leave the volume holdings intact. If some volumes are being withdrawn, update the volume holdings to reflect current holdings. When editing volume holdings, the expectation is that the Library's standards for textual recording of volume holdings (based on ANSI/NISO Z39.71-1999) will be maintained. If there are questions about editing volume holdings, consult with Catalog Management staff. See Related Documents for the YUL guidelines for recording serial and multipart volume holdings.
Item Record(s). When withdrawing an item that does not have an item record, it is only necessary to create an item record without a barcode if there is a need to place a hold on the item (e.g. patron request), or to make an Item Note that cannot or will not go in a ‡x Staff Note in the MFHD. For routine withdrawals of items without item records, such as sets, new item records are not required and do not need to be created. Please consult the Circulation Document for further information.
Bibliographic Record. NEVER suppress the bibliographic record from public display. If there are no remaining active copies attached to the record, a message will automatically be generated in the OPAC that directs the catalog user to a "help" page. If all volumes are withdrawn for this particular copy and it was the last remaining active copy, make a printout of the bibliographic record and send it to the Catalog Management Librarian requesting that the record be deleted from OCLC. Annotate the printout with the phrase "Delete from the utilities (withdrawn item)." Alternatively, you may use e-mail notification instead of sending a printout.
b. When to Notify Catalog Management Team (SML). Send a printout of the Orbis MFHD record to the Catalog Management Team (SML) only if the bibliographic record needs to be updated to cataloging standard, or in the rare cases where either circulation staff or the recon projects failed to create a record at all, or if the withdrawn copy represents the last copy held at Yale, with an appropriate explanation. (See 3.2 following)
If the record is very brief, include the author, full title, and publication date to ensure that the appropriate record update is performed.
3.2 Catalog Management Team (SML) Responsibilities
The Catalog Management Team (SML) is responsible for ensuring that all copies of the withdrawn item are represented by an appropriate record in Orbis and updating OCLC as necessary. With Orbis being the catalog of record, removal of cards from local and union card catalogs is no longer performed.
a. Updating Orbis Perform retrospective conversion as necessary to ensure that all copies of the withdrawn item (including the withdrawn item), are represented by permanent catalog records in Orbis. The withdrawing unit is responsible for indicating withdrawn status according to the procedures described in 3.1.
b. Updating OCLC If the withdrawn copy represents the last copy of the title held at Yale, update OCLC to delete holdings.