Library Committees
Authorities & Identities Advisory Group (A&I AG)
Reports To: Metadata Steering Committee (MSC)
Advisory Group Charge:
Coordinate the Library’s participation in NACO and SACO programs
Establish policies on sharing NACO expertise across library departments and maintaining list and criteria for NACO trainers and reviewers
Support and advise SACO coordinator regarding training, forum opportunities, documentation, etc.
Advise on use of non-traditional entity identifiers, such as ORCID and ISNI, as well as related linked data services such as and Getty vocabularies
Coordinate use of identifiers for authority data and authorized access points across systems such as Voyager and ArchivesSpace
Advise on authority control processing
Forward proposals and recommendations to MSC
Chair (Danijela Matković, 2022- )
Recording Secretary (Channon Goodrich, 2022- )
Authority control coordinator, ex officio (Éva Bolkovac, 2021- )
SNAC coordinator (and archival description representative), ex officio (Jennifer Coggins, 2023- )
NACO Coordinator, ex officio (Danijela Matković, acting)
SACO Coordinator, ex officio (Cate Kellet, 2023- )
LoD AG liaison (pending)
Music library liaison (Mickey Koth, 2021- )
Member at large, Dominique Bourassa (2021- )
Member at large, Jia Xu (2021- )
Hannelore Segers (2023- ), Member at large
Frequency of Meetings: Monthly or as needed
Member Selection Method: Members have expertise or deep interest in authority files, authority processing workflows, and controlled vocabularies, Members are ex officio for NACO, SACO, authority control, and SNAC coordinators as well as music authorities librarian.
Term of Service: 2 years, renewable