"Grand Challenges in Cultural Heritage Data and Information"
April 12, 1:30-3:30pm, Zhang Auditorium, School of Management
Led by Holly Rushmeier (Yale Computer Science/IPCH Digitization Lab), this Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage panel will discuss the great and fundamental questions about human history, behavior, and enterprise that can, for the first time, be posed and answered using cultural heritage data in conjunction with the vast data processing and storage capabilities of the Information Age. It will discuss the advances in heritage preservation that could be made by resources and research emerging from modern data science and information technology.
Quotation from the panel: "I think people forget technology isn’t some autonomous, external force...Technologists and computer scientists like myself build tools to empower people and amplify human effort." —Holly Rushmeier
Speakers include:
Bertrand Lavedrine, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (France)
Claire Bowern, Yale Linguistics
Vijay Kumar, Singapore
Elihu Rubin, Yale Architecture
Miloš Drdácký, Czech Academy of Sciences
Stefano de Caro, ICCROM
Tim Whalen, Getty Conservation Institute
Martin Roth, Victoria and Albert Museum
This panel is part of the U.N. Global Colloquium of University Presidents. For the full schedule of events, visit the UNGC page.