Intro to XML and XPath
September 23 from 1:00-3:00pm in Bass Library, L06
Led by Mark Custer, this workshop will provide an overview of XML (Extensible Markup Language) basics, with a special emphasis on TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) markup and hands-on exercises. Mark will also introduce the basics of XPath, illustrating its importance as a query language that can be utilized during the encoding process. XML is foundational for many forms of textual representation and metadata in the digital humanities.
The agenda is divided into the following sections:
- A brief overview of markup languages
- Fundamentals of XML
- Basics of XPath
- Time for discussion and/or a demonstration of more advanced topics
No prior encoding experience is required. Participants will be required, however, to use the oXygen XML editor during the workshop. You will either need to bring a laptop with the latest version of oXygen pre-installed, or you will need to install oXygen on your desktop in the computer lab at the beginning of the workshop (if you go this route, please arrive early to the workshop). A 30-day free trial is available on the oXygen website:
Space is limited; to register, please go to the YUL Instruction Calendar.
This workshop is offered in conjunction with the Classics Library and the YUL Department of Area Studies and Humanities Research Support (DAHSRS).
Mark Custer is an Archivist / Metadata Coordinator at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. From 2011-2012, he worked as the Encoding Archival Description Manager at the Smithsonian Institution. Before that, he worked at East Carolina University (ECU), where he helped manage the TEI records and encoding workflows of ECU’s digital library. He earned a BA in English Literature from Indiana University, Bloomington, and an MLIS from Syracuse University.