Intro to XSLT in Three Parts
April 12 from 3:00-5:00pm in Bass Library, L01
This workshop will provide a basic overview of XSLT as a declarative programming language. The instructor will demonstrate an iterative process of investigating, updating, and reviewing a TEI file with the assistance of XSLT. Every participant will gain hands-on experience transforming an XML document with the oXygen XML Editor, using a supplied XSLT stylesheet, and writing a very simple XSLT stylesheet from scratch. The workshop will conclude with a couple of different methods for publishing TEI online.
No prior encoding experience is required but basic knowledge of XML will be helpful. Participants are encouraged to install the oXygen XML Editor prior to the workshop in order to follow along with the exercises.
The workshop is open to all Yale students, faculty, and staff; no registration is required.
Co-organized by the Classics Library, the YUL Department of Areas Studies and Humanities Research Support, the Yale Digital Propertius Project, and the Yale Digital Humanities Lab
Mark Custer is an Archivist / Metadata Coordinator at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. From 2011-2012, he worked as the Encoding Archival Description Manager at the Smithsonian Institution. Before that, he worked at East Carolina University (ECU), where he helped manage the TEI records and encoding workflows of ECU’s digital library. He earned a BA in English Literature from Indiana University, Bloomington, and an MLIS from Syracuse University.