Francis X. Cheney Lectureship

The Francis X. Cheney Lectureship in Pastoral Theology was established by students and friends to encourage a minister’s proper focus in pastoral care. The lectureship is open to scholars in all disciplines who seek to bring their expertise to bear on this subject. This lecture is given every second year at Berkeley Divinity School, alternating with the Louis Wetherbee Pitt Lectureship.


Rev. Michael BattleHerbert Thompson Professor of Church and Society and Director of the Desmond Tutu Center at General Theological Seminary, New York. Ubuntu as Atonement TheologyYale Divinity School, October 13, 2022.


Jenny Te Paa-Daniel, former Dean of Te Rau Kahikatea Seminary, St. John’s Theological College (Auckland, New Zealand). Redeeming Anglican Imperialism: We Can, We Must, We Will, Yale Divinity School, October 20, 2020.


Martin A. Seeley, Bishop of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich in the Church of England. Congregation, Community, and Context: Realigning Theological Education, Yale Divinity School, October 16, 2018.


Jane Shaw, Dean of Religious Life and Professor of Religious Studies, Stanford University. Mysticism and Ethics: A Modern (mostly Anglican) Perspective, Yale Divinity School, October 18, 2016.

Published as: “Ethics and Mysticism: The Work of Kenneth E. Kirk and Some Other Modern Anglicans.” Journal of Anglican Studies 16, no. 1 (May 2018): 33-49.


Victor Atta-Baffoe, Bishop of Cape Coast, Ghana. Living in Communion with Anglicanism, Yale Divinity School, October 21, 2014.

Published as: “Living in Communion with Anglicanism.” Journal of Anglican Studies 14, no. 2 (November 2016): 226-235.


Theodicy Jazz Collective and Thomas Troeger, J. Edward and Ruth Cox Lanz Professor of Christian Communication, Yale Divinity School. Canterbury Jazz Mass with commentary by Prof. Troeger, Yale Divinity School, October 24, 2012.


John H. Finley IV,  Principal, Epiphany School (Dorchester, Massachusetts), Abraham Went: Answering God's Call by Starting a School, Berkeley Divinity School / Yale Divinity School, 2010.


Krista Tippett, creator and host of “Speaking of Faith.” Religion, Media, and Public Life in the 21st Century, Yale Divinity School, October 15, 2008.


Regina Schwartz, Professor of Religion and Literature, Northwestern University. Towards a Sacramental Poetics, Yale Divinity School, October 11, 2006.


Mark McIntosh, Professor of Systematic Theology and Spirituality, Loyola University Chicago. How God Makes Theologians, Yale Divinity School, October 13, 2004.


Sarah Coakley, Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Professor of Divinity, Harvard Divinity School. The Woman at the Altar: Cosmological Disturbance or Gender Subversion? Yale Divinity School, October 16, 2002.

Published as: “The Woman at the Altar: Cosmological Disturbance or Gender Subversion?” Anglican Theological Review 86 (2004): 75-93.


Victoria Matthews, Bishop of Edmonton, Alberta (Canada). Why Is a Research University Important for the Churches? Yale Divinity School, October 11, 2000.


Stephen Platten, Dean of Norwich (England). Lambeth 1998: Can Anglicanism Survive? Yale Divinity School, October 13, 1998.


Brevard S. Childs, Sterling Professor of Divinity, Yale Divinity School. Interpreting the Bible in the Midst of Cultural Change, Yale Divinity School, October 8, 1996.

Published as: “Interpreting the Bible Amid Cultural Change.” Theology Today 54, no. 2 (July 1997): 200-211.


Ann Ulanov, Professor of Psychiatry and Religion, Union Theological Seminary. Destructiveness and the Spiritual Life, Yale Divinity School, February 1995.

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Friday, January 26, 2024 - 12:19pm