Pitt Lectureship
The Louis Wetherbee Pitt Lectureship was established as a memorial to Dr. Pitt and his wife, Blanche Parmelee Pitt, by his family to provide for lectures by distinguished preachers and world Christians. This lecture is given every second year at Berkeley Divinity School, alternating with the Francis X. Cheney Lectureship.
Revnd. Canon Dr. Vicentia Refiloe Kgabe, Bishop of the Diocese of Lesotho. Convocation On, and Conferral In, Yale Divinity School, October 11, 2023.
Peter Hawkins, Professor of Religion and Literature, Yale Divinity School. Dante’s Commedia: From Despair to Hope to Glory, Yale Divinity School, October 15, 2019.
Victoria Matthews, Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand. Mission Versus Heritage: Earthquake, Wind, and Fire Disturb Identity, Imagination, and Memory in 21st Century Aotearoa New Zealand, Yale Divinity School, October 17, 2017.
Tony Jarvis, Director of the Educational Leadership in Ministry Program, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. The Worst of Times, the Best of Times, Yale Divinity School, October 12, 2011.
Musonda Trevor Selwyn Mwamba, Bishop of Botswana. God of Wonder, Grace, and Surprises, Yale Divinity School, October 14, 2009.
Jane Williams, Visiting Lecturer at King’s College and Lecturer, St. Paul’s Theological Centre (London). Sin and Salvation, Yale Divinity School, October 10, 2007.
Robin Eames, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland. Where Now for World Anglicanism?, Yale Divinity School, October 12, 2005.
Kathryn Tanner, Professor of Theology, University, Chicago Divinity School. Incarnation and Atonement: A Feminist Appraisal, Yale Divinity School, October 15, 2003.
Bryan Spinks, Professor of Liturgical Studies, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. Berkeley, Liturgical Scholars, and the Liturgical Movement, Yale Divinity School, October 3, 2001.
Donald Gray, Canon of Westminster (London). 450 Years of the Book of Common Prayer in the Parish, Yale Divinity School, October 1999.
Mark Dyer, Professor of Theology and Director of Spiritual Formation, Virginia Theological Seminary and former Bishop of Bethlehem. Lambeth and the Future of the Anglican Communion, Yale Divinity School, October 1997.