February 2015 Archives

February 11, 2015

Yale University Library has been offered trials for the following three Chinese studies databases from East View:

1. China Statistical Yearbooks Database 中国经济社会发展统计数据库 (CSYD) is a leading database of statistical data in China, which collects some most important statistical yearbooks published by Mainland China presses, covering various kinds of census and survey data. CSYD serves the functions of full-text browsing and downloading of statistical yearbooks, statistical research, and personalized data mining and analysis. Access is provided through Chinese and English interfaces:

Chinese interface: http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/chn/navi/NaviDefault.aspx (用户指南:http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/chn/help/manual/introduce/introduce-1.htm)
English interface: http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/oversea/engnavi/navidefault.aspx (User Guide:http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/oversea/CSYD_Userguide.pdf)

2. Chinese Yearbook Full-text Database 中国年鉴全文数据库 http://oversea.cnki.net/Kns55/brief/result.aspx?dbPrefix=CYFD provides detailed, timely, comprehensive and systematic access to authoritative facts, statistics, activities and events of national and regional significance. Researchers can examine a region, industry or population segment from key data indicators of politics, the economy, science, technology, culture and education. In addition to the (J) Economics & Management Yale currently subscribes, three more series, (F) Literature/ History/ Philosophy, (G) Politics/ Military Affairs/ Law, and (H) Education & Social Sciences, are included in this trial.

3. China Economy, Public Policy, and Security Database 皮书数据库 http://dlib.eastview.com/browse/udb/1610
Pishu, which literally means "cover-books," are high-value analytical reports intended to guide policymaking in the People's Republic of China. Pishu are published by the prestigious Social Sciences Academic Press, a branch of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. These reports feature exclusive research and analysis by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and authors from similar institutions, and present objective analysis versus official government messaging on strategic issues. They may be considered somewhat analogous to the United States Congressional Research Service reports and analysis reports published by the RAND Corporation.

Post on February 10, 2015 - 7:00pm |

February 11, 2015

Thanks to all of you who supported the purchase of the database. We are happy to announce the new available databaseGunsho ruijū (群書類従) to Yale University community.


If you have an issue to connect other JapanKnowlege contents like 日本国語大辞典, 新編 日本古典文学全集 and 日本歴史地名大系, please log out once and log in back to the databases using the separate url (http://japanknowledge.com/library/).

About Gunsho Ruijū 群書類従 online
This set consists of important collections relating to Japanese literary classics and historical records in a variety of areas such as history, literature & language, religion, customs, art, performing art, education, politics, economics, law and geography, etc. The database provides full-text search function of this very authoritative reference sources.

For more information on the database please go to the link below:
https://japanknowledge.com/contents/gunshoruiju/index.html (Japanese)
http://japanknowledge.com/library/en/jkbooks.html/ (English)

Post on February 10, 2015 - 7:00pm |

February 20, 2015

Friday February 27
3:00-4:00 pm
Room 218, Sterling Memorial Library

Thomas Fenn, Director of the Center for the Study of Ancient Pyro-Technology

Chinese Language and Culture: Remembering Henry C. Fenn

An opening talk for a new exhibit “Henry C. Fenn: American Chinese Language Authority & Early Western Traveler to China” (East Asian Reading Room, Sterling Memorial Library)

Sponsored by the East Asia Library and Council on East Asian Studies. Desserts and drinks will be provided.

Post on February 19, 2015 - 7:00pm |

February 27, 2015

We are delighted to announce that, a new exhibit “Henry C. Fenn: American Chinese Language Authority & Early Western Traveler to China” has just been installed in the East Asian Reading Room (2nd floor on the Sterling Memorial Library). Henry C. Fenn (1894-1978) was a noted American authority on the Chinese spoken language who taught at the Yale Institute of Far Eastern Languages from the late 1940s to early 1960s and was also the Director of the Institute from 1952 to 1962. Born in Peiping (present Beijing), he was son of the Reverend Dr. Courtenay Hughes Fenn, a Presbyterian missionary to China and compiler of The Five Thousand Dictionary. While working at the Yale Institute of Far Eastern Languages, he developed the "Yale system" of Chinese grammar and became widely known as one of the originators of the so-called “blitz” method of teaching students to speak Chinese. Growing up in Beijing, Fenn travelled extensively to northern and southern China during the 1920s and 1930s and took a great number of photos to record natural scenery, cultural relics, and various social aspects of Chinese culture. Most of his photos are well kept by his grandson Thomas Fenn who is the Director of the Center for the Study of Ancient Pyro-Technology at Yale. This exhibit features selected publications authored or edited by H.C. Fenn on the study and teaching of Chinese language, as well as his travel photos on social events and religious practices in northern China from T. Fenn’s collections.

Post on February 26, 2015 - 7:00pm |