October 2015 Archives

October 5, 2015

Maisaku (Mainichi Newspaper)

We are pleased to announce that the database for Mainichi Newspaper is available for trial now through October 30, 2015. We had this trial 4 years ago, but the search function has improved a bit.   

Maisaku 毎索 (https://dbs.g-search.or.jp/WMAI/WMAI_ipcu_login.html)

The Maisaku database lets you search all the Mainichi Shinbun 毎日新聞 (formally Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 東京日日新聞, Osaka Nippo 大阪日報, etc) from 1872 (Meiji 5) to present. 

Please note that there are two functions, 記事検索 (article search) and 紙面検索 (page search), available.  While 記事検索 is still not so robust with keyword searching, the search results will be very limited.  I suggest you use 紙面検索 for full searching.  

The database also includes other functions like ヨミロンサーチ which provides newspaper research from October 1945 to June 2011 on public opinions, such as cabinet and political party approval ratings.  The data can be searched by keyword and date with sorting functions for categories like gender and age.

If you find this database useful, please make sure to give us feedback.

Post on October 5, 2015 - 9:32am |

October 6, 2015


We are pleased to announce that a NEW Korean statistical database, KSDC DB is available for trial now through November 30.


Developed by Korean Social Science Data Center, KSDC DB consists of all kinds of statistical yearbooks published by the government, public institutions and overseas institutions. These data are classified and processed through a new data-input system developed by the KSDC, and ready to be used as variables for researches. Users can easily access this advanced variable-oriented DB, and analyze them statistically on the website.  

Access Information

To access the trial database, please go to the following URL: http://www.ksdcdb.kr.

Please note that access to the trial KSDC DB is only available from computers on the Yale campus or with off-campus access (http://web.library.yale.edu/help/off-campus-access-vpn).

We would like to hear any feedback or comments on this new trial database from you. Please feel free to contact me at tang.li@yale.edu.

Post on October 6, 2015 - 10:36am |

October 8, 2015

Two Brill Reference Tools

Yale University Library has recently acquired two Brill online reference tools related to Chinese studies: Chinese-English Dictionary Online and Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. The resources have been added to the Library’s Orbis online catalog and Chinese Studies subject guide-Reference.

Chinese-English Dictionary Online is a part of Brill Online Chinese Reference Shelf. This is a practical lexicon of more than 8,330 characters arranged alphabetically by Pinyin romanization, designed to facilitate reading historical, literary, and religious texts from the Warring State period through the Tang dynasty (500-1000 CE). Based on Paul Kroll's A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese, with additional materials to be added.

Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics is a part of Brill Online Reference Works. In more than 450 articles written by major specialists in the field, the database provides an authoritative and systematic treatment of the languages of China today and in the past, and the different linguistic traditions in which they have been studied. In addition to a synthesis of the most important research in Chinese linguistics, the Encyclopedia offers up-to-date bibliographical coverage. It covers the history of Chinese linguistics (both indigenous and Western traditions), the history of languages in China and their status today, the lexicon, syntax and sound structure of the Sinitic and non-Sinitic languages of China (including sign languages), psycho- and neurolinguistics studies, and more. This is an early release version: content being added, expected completion early 2016.

Please feel free to contact Michael Meng (michael.meng@yale.edu) if you have any questions about the resources.

Post on October 8, 2015 - 9:48am |

October 13, 2015

10/30   Chinese Christianity Sources from the Republican Period @ Yale: John Sung Papers and more!

Tang Li, Public Services Librarian, East Asia Library
Martha Smalley, Special Collections Librarian, Divinity Library

Time and place
2:30 pm—3:30 pm, Room 218, Sterling Memorial Library

John Sung 宋尚節 (1901-1944) was a prominent Chinese Christian evangelist whose enduring influence is still recognized through East Asia.  The correspondence, writings, and extensive diaries of Sung recently acquired by the Yale Divinity Library shed new light on his life and work, as well as the historical development of Christianity in Republican China. This workshop will give a detailed overview of John Sung papers and showcase their high research value. It will also introduce you to other Chinese Christianity sources from the Republican period at the Yale library collections.

Please come to join us. We hope to see you there!

Post on October 13, 2015 - 4:08pm |