East Asia Library

Korean statistical database on trial: KSDC DB

October 6, 2015

We are pleased to announce that a NEW Korean statistical database, KSDC DB is available for trial now through November 30.


Developed by Korean Social Science Data Center, KSDC DB consists of all kinds of statistical yearbooks published by the government, public institutions and overseas institutions. These data are classified and processed through a new data-input system developed by the KSDC, and ready to be used as variables for researches. Users can easily access this advanced variable-oriented DB, and analyze them statistically on the website.  

Access Information

To access the trial database, please go to the following URL: http://www.ksdcdb.kr.

Please note that access to the trial KSDC DB is only available from computers on the Yale campus or with off-campus access (http://web.library.yale.edu/help/off-campus-access-vpn).

We would like to hear any feedback or comments on this new trial database from you. Please feel free to contact me at tang.li@yale.edu.

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