Online Exhibitions

Service Owner 
George Ouellette
YUL Service Domain 
Omkea, digital exhibits, exhibits, exhibitions
Short Description: 
Omeka is Yale University Library's platform that enables the curation and delivery of digital exhibitions through an easy-to-use visual interface. Omeka provides a low-entry-barrier and relieves the curator of many of the challenges faced when building compelling digital exhibitions.

Omeka is Yale University Library's platform for building and delivering digital exhibitions that showcase the Yale library's extraordinary collections.  It is user-friendly and relieves exhibition creators of many of the challenges of building well-designed and accessible digital exhibitions.

Omeka is entirely web-based and requires no special client application.  Images and other digital content can be uploaded one at a time or via importing a CSV.

No visibility restrictions
Who is elegible to use this service offering? 
Anyone in the Yale community with an active and valid NetID
Affiliations that can use this service offering 
How do I get it? 

You can propose an online exhibiton at the following URL:

Once your proposal is approved, the Online Exhibition Committtee will contact you with credentials to use Omeka.

How do I access it? 

Please note that you must have an active Omeka username and password to access the staff interface.

Staff Interface

Public Interface

Does your service offering require a user to have specific system configurations? 

The Omeka application is entirely online.  Users will need to have a computer with a current web browser.

Is there a specific area that your user can go to for help? 

Help for Omeka is provided on the Online Exhibits Guide:

Do you have specific Documentation and Support outside of the Knowledge Base?  

Yale-specific documentation is available at 

Online Exhibitions Handbook

The Omeka FAQ is available at

Online Exhibitions FAQ

Are there any specific policies and procedures outlined for your service offering? 


  • A Yale University student or faculty member can create an Omeka online exhibition with the sponsorship of a library department.
  • Any Yale University Library staff member can curate an Omeka online exhibition with approval from their department.
  • An online exhibition may be independent of any physical exhibition.

Additional policies, including copyright and digitization, are available in the Omeka FAQ:

An operating agreement, known locally as a service overview, is available for this service. A service overview is a document that defines expectations and resources required to provide ongoing operational support for the service.  You can view it here.

Are there Rates & Charges Associated to this Service Offering? 
Performance Issue
Something Broken
Tier 1 Support 
YUL Support Group (listed above)
Sub-category needed? 
Generic Request? 
Can users request access to your service offering? 