YUL Website (YaleSites)

Service Owner 
George Ouellette
YUL Service Domain 
website, web pages, library home pages
Short Description: 
The YUL Website, powered by YaleSites, is a content management system (CMS) that allows YUL staff to publish web pages and content on the web.

Library IT provides a content management system (CMS) that allows YUL staff to build web pages on the YUL website without the knowledge of HTML or web page construction.

YUL staff can request access to the CMS to build new pages or edit existing pages.

No visibility restrictions
Who is elegible to use this service offering? 
Yale Library Staff Only
Affiliations that can use this service offering 
How do I get it? 

Requests for access to the content management system can be made by submitting a service request on the Library IT website.  A valid NetID and explicit permissions are required to build your own web pages.

How do I access it? 

Once you have been granted access to the content management system, you may log into it by navigating to http://library.yale.edu/cas.

Does your service offering require a user to have specific system configurations? 

This service is entirely web-based and only requires the use of a modern, latest-version web browser.

Is there a specific area that your user can go to for help? 

Requests for assistance with the content management system can be made by submitting a service request on the Library IT website.

Do you have specific Documentation and Support outside of the Knowledge Base?  

Limited documentation for the content management system is available upon request.  The content management system's support site is http://drupal.org.  Additional documentation can be found there.

Are there any specific policies and procedures outlined for your service offering? 

The following policies apply to all Yale University Library website applications:

Other application-dependent policies may apply.

Are there Rates & Charges Associated to this Service Offering? 
Performance Issue
Something Broken
Tier 1 Support 
YUL Support Group (listed above)
Sub-category needed? 
Generic Request? 
Can users request access to your service offering? 