LibraryApps Virtual Environment

Service Owner 
Steven Wieda
YUL Service Domain 
anaconda, python, spyder, jupyter, ibm spss statistics, spss, mathematica, r, stattransfer, argis, esri, ibmspss amos, matlab, minitab, sas, stata, statlab_apps, Yale Library Apps
Short Description: 
LibraryApps is a research computing environment for Yale faculty, students, and staff that provides up to 10 concurrent users with access to specialized software including ArcGIS, Mathematica, IBM SPSS, and Stata.

LibraryApps is a research computing environment for Yale faculty, students, and staff that provides up to 10 concurrent users with access to specialized software including ArcGIS, Mathematica, IBM SPSS, and Stata without the need to download or run the software on their local machines.  This service provides users with

  1. More computing resources for processor, memory, and space intensive operations; and
  2. A dedicated space that can be accessed 24*7 for uninterrupted execution of applications and tasks.  [Please note that the service is interrupted on the first Sunday of every month from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for maintenance.]

It is ideal for long-running and memory-intensive processes and provides a familiar graphical desktop environment supporting:

  • 224GB of RAM
  • 24 virtual CPUs
  • Tesla M60 GPU
No visibility restrictions
Who is elegible to use this service offering? 
Affiliations that can use this service offering 
How do I get it? 

Please use this form to request access.

How do I access it? 

To access LibraryApps:

  1. Request access to the service if you have not already done so.
  2. Follow the instructions outlined in Virtual Services: Desktop & Application: Getting started with MyApps at Yale.  You can use the web interface or the Remote Desktop client.
  3. Select MyApps - Library from the list of choices:
Does your service offering require a user to have specific system configurations? 

The service is web-based.  A modern web browser is required to use the service.  The service can also be accessed using Microsoft Remote Desktop, which may provide a better user experience.

Is there a specific area that your user can go to for help? 
Do you have specific Documentation and Support outside of the Knowledge Base?  
Are there any specific policies and procedures outlined for your service offering? 

This service is governed by Yale ITS' Appropriate Use Policy.

You cannot store data on this environment. You can map to a Storage@Yale location, OneDrive, or other web based storage. Contact ITS for storage questions and solutions.

Number of Users:

YaleLibraryApps supports up to 10 concurrent users.


Scheduled maintenance occurs on the first Sunday of each month between 6-10 am ET. Hardware and software will be updated periodically. We will make every effort to inform connected users if the service needs to be restarted.

Are there Rates & Charges Associated to this Service Offering? 
Performance Issue
Something Broken
Tier 1 Support 
YUL Support Group (listed above)
Sub-category needed? 
Generic Request? 
Can users request access to your service offering? 