Yale University Library now has the subscription to the following three Chinese databases from East View:
1. China Statistical Yearbooks Database 中国经济社会发展统计数据库 (CSYD) is a leading resource of statistical data in China. CSYD serves the functions of full-text browsing and downloading of statistical yearbooks, statistical research, and personalized data mining and analysis. Access is provided through Chinese and English interfaces:
Chinese interface: http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/chn/navi/NaviDefault.aspx (用户指南:http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/chn/help/manual/introduce/introduce-1.htm)
English interface: http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/oversea/engnavi/navidefault.aspx (User Guide:http://tongji.oversea.cnki.net/oversea/CSYD_Userguide.pdf)
2. China Yearbook Full-text Database 中国年鉴全文数据库http://oversea.cnki.net/Kns55/brief/result.aspx?dbPrefix=CYFD provides detailed, timely, comprehensive and systematic access to authoritative facts, statistics, activities and events of national and regional significance. Yale subscription now includes (F) Literature/History/Philosophy, (G) Politics/Military Affairs/Law, (H) Education & Social Sciences and (J) Economics & Management.
3. China Economy, Public Policy, and Security Database 皮书数据库 http://dlib.eastview.com/browse/udb/1610
Pishu, which literally means "cover-books," are high-value analytical reports intended to guide policymaking in the People's Republic of China. These reports feature exclusive research and analysis by the prestigious Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and authors from similar institutions, and present objective analysis versus official government messaging on strategic issues.
The resources have been added to the Library’s Orbis online catalog, Find a Database by Title, and Chinese Studies subject guide.