The Gilmore Music Library is pleased to announce that it is now providing significantly enhanced online streaming access to audiovisual materials in its Special Collections, including Historical Sound Recordings (HSR) and Oral History of American Music (OHAM). Working with the consulting and software development firm AVP, the Music Library (as well as the Fortunoff Video Archive and Manuscripts and Archives) has recently adopted a new AV Access platform, Aviary, specifically to enable streaming access to its archival AV collections. Streaming access is now available for a number of collections including:
Aaron Copland Oral History
Charles Ives Oral History
Charles Ives Rare and Non-Commercial Sound Recordings
Duke Ellington Oral History
Paul Hindemith Oral History
Steinway & Sons Oral History
Yale Student Composers Interviews
Users can navigate to specific recordings via collection finding aids in Archives at Yale and then click on the image presented to access and stream content in Aviary.
Users on the Yale network (either on campus or connected via the Yale VPN) can access most recordings without creating an account in Aviary. Users outside of the Yale Commuity can create a free account in Aviary to then request access to recordings. For most collections, users are then automatically provided with 30 days free access to the chosen recording. Further instructions are available in this video.
The Music Library will be making more collections available to stream soon, including a collection of 800 late 19th/early 20th century Berliner Discs, as well as OHAM's Major Figures in American Music Collection.